Things looked good so to speak... she isn't ready. Being stubborn is more like it if you ask me. I had another NST today... Abigail's reading was great... my reading showed a lot more activity than previous times... but still no contractions. I only gained a pound since last Tuesday and I had a big lunch today, 2 glasses of water and half a milk shake (the last item) was to ensure more movement on Abigail's part today. So I am not sure if lunch weighed me down or if that weight is pretty acurate. They didn't check iron levels today ~ said the iron level won't change that much in a weeks time... Yeah for no needle pricking today!! He did move my due date up, but nothing for me to jump up and down about... The due date is now May 20th... WOW!!! a whole days difference. He also guessed for her to weigh about 6.5 to 7.25 lbs as of right now. LOL Even with things looking good I do have two appointments next week. (I hope that doesn't mean anything is serious) I have an appointment on May 6th @ 2:30 PM and on May 8th @ 10:00 AM. Even though I want Abigail here now I am trying to focus on other things to pass away the time till she makes her debut.
My sister-in-law is doing well. She has an appointment this Thursday. Can't wait to know the outcome of her visit. She is due Nov. 24th.
On May 10th, I have another baby shower to attend. My father-in-law's step daughter is due to have a little boy and she is due July 13th. So there will be a baby shower for her and her soon to be son. I am so excited for her.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Well ... today is another day
I will have another Dr.'s appointment today at 1:45.... I wonder what he will say. I am hoping for excellent news... News of Abigail being here soon. It is becoming increasingly difficult to move about and I feel so very sore and also so very tired most of the time. Sleep exists of small catnaps whenever I can get them, including at night. If I am not up because I have to pee, well then I am up due to being in pain, or an uncomfortable position to find to sleep in because of the size if my pregnant belly. Even with all this, and me wanting her here so badly... I know that the longer she is in there the better chance she has even if she is considered full term...Will update when I get home.
Friday, April 25, 2008
News... Good and Bad
I posted here earlier that my sister in law (Brian's sister and her husband) was expecting twins. For those that read my blog here is what is now taking place. Please keep Johnna and Edward in your thoughts and prayers.
I had my second ultra sound today 4/24/08 and we found out I am only having one baby. Baby A is doing really well with a heart beat of 182. Baby B however isn't growing and had no heart beat. I was told that it is a "Vanishing Twin." Edward and I are still excited and we hope that our family and friends are still just as excited. Please keep us in your thoughts and in your prayers.
Answers to frequently asked questions about Vanishing Twins
In recent years, enhanced use of ultrasound early in pregnancy has increased the frequency of diagnosis of twin pregnancy, and unfortunately, has produced a heightened awareness of the phenomenon of Vanishing Twin Syndrome
Here are the answers to Frequently Asked Questions about this condition.
What is Vanishing Twin Syndrome?
Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs when one of a set of twin fetuses apparently disappears from the womb during pregnancy, usually resulting in a normal singleton pregnancy.
What really happens?
One of the fetuses in a twin pregnancy spontaneously aborts, usually during the first trimester; the fetal tissue is absorbed by the other twin, the placenta, or the mother, thus giving the appearance that the twin "vanished."
How is it diagnosed?
Here's a typical scenario: A mother undergoes a routine ultrasound early in her pregnancy, for example at six or seven weeks gestation. Two fetuses are detected. The mother is told she is having twins. When the mother returns to the doctor six weeks later, only one heartbeat can be heard with a Doppler scan. Another ultrasound is performed. Only one fetus is identified.
In other cases, a pregnant mother experiences symptoms that would seem to mimic miscarriage; however the single baby in her womb remains unaffected.
How often does it happen?
Scientists have confirmed that the number of twin conceptions greatly outnumbers the number of actual twin births. Some estimates offer that 1 in 8 people started life as a twin, while in reality only 1 in 70 actually are a twin. In "Having Twins," author Elizabeth Noble claims that 80% of twin pregnancies result in the loss of one or both babies. Other studies predict that Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs in 21 - 30% of all multiple pregnancies in the United States. It is estimated that Vanishing Twin Syndrome will play a role in 50% of assisted ovulation pregnancies.
Why is it happening more frequently?
Although it would seem that incidences of Vanishing Twin Syndrome are increasing with alarming frequency, it is simply that the detection of the phenomenon has increased. Advancements in ultrasound technology allow modern doctors (and parents) the exciting opportunity to peek into the womb. As more doctors routinely use ultrasound in the first trimester, more multiple pregnancies are identified. And a certain percentage of those will be affected by Vanishing Twin Syndrome. In the past, many women experienced VTS without ever knowing it.
What causes it?
Just as there is no clear attributable cause for most miscarriages, there aren't always reasons or explanations for the loss of a fetus in a multiple pregnancy. In some cases, the fetus is in viable due to chromosomal or placental abnormalities. Some studies suggest that because these abnormalities are more common in older women, Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs more often in mothers of advanced age. Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs with equal frequency in mono zygotic and di zygotic twins, although the complications of sharing a placenta between monochorionic mono zygotic twins may contribute to the condition.
What are the symptoms?
There might not be any symptoms. However, some mothers experience some mild cramping, bleeding or pelvic discomfort, similar to miscarriage. Decreasing hormone levels may also indicate that one fetus has been reabsorbed.
What is the treatment?
Generally, neither the mother nor the remaining fetus will require any kind of medical treatment. When VTS occurs in the first trimester, the mother usually goes on to experience a normal pregnancy and delivers a healthy singleton. However, in situations where a fetus dies in the second or third trimester, the mother may experience pre-term labor, infection or hemorrhaging. In those cases, doctors will prescribe treatment appropriate for those conditions.
I had my second ultra sound today 4/24/08 and we found out I am only having one baby. Baby A is doing really well with a heart beat of 182. Baby B however isn't growing and had no heart beat. I was told that it is a "Vanishing Twin." Edward and I are still excited and we hope that our family and friends are still just as excited. Please keep us in your thoughts and in your prayers.
Answers to frequently asked questions about Vanishing Twins
In recent years, enhanced use of ultrasound early in pregnancy has increased the frequency of diagnosis of twin pregnancy, and unfortunately, has produced a heightened awareness of the phenomenon of Vanishing Twin Syndrome
Here are the answers to Frequently Asked Questions about this condition.
What is Vanishing Twin Syndrome?
Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs when one of a set of twin fetuses apparently disappears from the womb during pregnancy, usually resulting in a normal singleton pregnancy.
What really happens?
One of the fetuses in a twin pregnancy spontaneously aborts, usually during the first trimester; the fetal tissue is absorbed by the other twin, the placenta, or the mother, thus giving the appearance that the twin "vanished."
How is it diagnosed?
Here's a typical scenario: A mother undergoes a routine ultrasound early in her pregnancy, for example at six or seven weeks gestation. Two fetuses are detected. The mother is told she is having twins. When the mother returns to the doctor six weeks later, only one heartbeat can be heard with a Doppler scan. Another ultrasound is performed. Only one fetus is identified.
In other cases, a pregnant mother experiences symptoms that would seem to mimic miscarriage; however the single baby in her womb remains unaffected.
How often does it happen?
Scientists have confirmed that the number of twin conceptions greatly outnumbers the number of actual twin births. Some estimates offer that 1 in 8 people started life as a twin, while in reality only 1 in 70 actually are a twin. In "Having Twins," author Elizabeth Noble claims that 80% of twin pregnancies result in the loss of one or both babies. Other studies predict that Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs in 21 - 30% of all multiple pregnancies in the United States. It is estimated that Vanishing Twin Syndrome will play a role in 50% of assisted ovulation pregnancies.
Why is it happening more frequently?
Although it would seem that incidences of Vanishing Twin Syndrome are increasing with alarming frequency, it is simply that the detection of the phenomenon has increased. Advancements in ultrasound technology allow modern doctors (and parents) the exciting opportunity to peek into the womb. As more doctors routinely use ultrasound in the first trimester, more multiple pregnancies are identified. And a certain percentage of those will be affected by Vanishing Twin Syndrome. In the past, many women experienced VTS without ever knowing it.
What causes it?
Just as there is no clear attributable cause for most miscarriages, there aren't always reasons or explanations for the loss of a fetus in a multiple pregnancy. In some cases, the fetus is in viable due to chromosomal or placental abnormalities. Some studies suggest that because these abnormalities are more common in older women, Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs more often in mothers of advanced age. Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs with equal frequency in mono zygotic and di zygotic twins, although the complications of sharing a placenta between monochorionic mono zygotic twins may contribute to the condition.
What are the symptoms?
There might not be any symptoms. However, some mothers experience some mild cramping, bleeding or pelvic discomfort, similar to miscarriage. Decreasing hormone levels may also indicate that one fetus has been reabsorbed.
What is the treatment?
Generally, neither the mother nor the remaining fetus will require any kind of medical treatment. When VTS occurs in the first trimester, the mother usually goes on to experience a normal pregnancy and delivers a healthy singleton. However, in situations where a fetus dies in the second or third trimester, the mother may experience pre-term labor, infection or hemorrhaging. In those cases, doctors will prescribe treatment appropriate for those conditions.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The last of the Baby Showers
At 3:30 yesterday, I had the last of my baby showers. This was a diaper shower thrown by the Freshman Academy at Crescent High School. There were lots of diapers given and Abigail got some more clothes, toys, a bumbo, a gift card, a gift from India, and a photo album, as well. The principle stood up and gave a speech and then Brian did and then I was asked to (not my forte at all ~ giving speeches, but I think I did OK). The outpouring of love that Brian and I have received at all three baby showers is very overwhelming for me at times and also very emotional (in a good sense). I know that Abigail is loved and wanted and it shows in part through all the things she has received, the well wishes for her dad and I and the involvement shown through family, friends, and coworkers.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
News from Dr. Rivera...
Several things are starting to take place:
My weight still looks great.... 16 lbs gained during the total pregnancy
My iron ~ not so great; it dropped from 10.1 to 9.1 (I guess this is part of the reason I am tired).
Abigail has started to come down and right now seems to be head down... YEAH (hoping for a vaginal birth). This was the pelvic exam... these will start coming more often too.
He said, "May is just around the corner," and he is so right.... She can come now though. I am starting to have Braxton Hicks...
I had a NST (non stress test) this was good this time around too... she was a little stubborn about moving the number of times she needed to within the time frame... Abigail~ your mama is telling you it is uncomfortable to lay for 30-40 min in that position on those beds/tables. Next week you better act right.
My weight still looks great.... 16 lbs gained during the total pregnancy
My iron ~ not so great; it dropped from 10.1 to 9.1 (I guess this is part of the reason I am tired).
Abigail has started to come down and right now seems to be head down... YEAH (hoping for a vaginal birth). This was the pelvic exam... these will start coming more often too.
He said, "May is just around the corner," and he is so right.... She can come now though. I am starting to have Braxton Hicks...
I had a NST (non stress test) this was good this time around too... she was a little stubborn about moving the number of times she needed to within the time frame... Abigail~ your mama is telling you it is uncomfortable to lay for 30-40 min in that position on those beds/tables. Next week you better act right.
Well, I have another Dr.'s visit today. I do know I will be required to watch the C-section video. (Joy joy)... I am so not wanting one if I can help it, and I would be thrilled to go into labor after midnight tonight if that could be at all arranged ~ Abigail. I am sure I will have another NST (non stress test) today... I have been having them weekly for quite some time now. I guess they will check my iron levels too. I am praying for a good result there, but unless I am supposed to be this tired; I am guessing my iron levels are down again. Either today or next Tuesday ~ I will find out when they will start doing the pelvic exams... Great...! One more thing to look "forward" to. Abigail get here quick please....
I have my last baby shower today... It is at 3:30 and this baby shower is being thrown by Brian's coworkers at Crescent High school. Every baby shower has brought Abigail plenty of wonderful and nice things... Even things for us (the new mom and dad to be). Family, Friends, clients, and coworkers have been so very gracious. I don't know how to thank them all enough. For those of you reading this blog that do not know us personally or the trials and tribulations we have been through (six miscarriages) you need to know one thing for sure. Abigail as been a prayed for, prayed over baby and her mom and dad are overjoyed by the abundance and outpouring of prayers, thoughts, well wishes, and gifts.
I have my last baby shower today... It is at 3:30 and this baby shower is being thrown by Brian's coworkers at Crescent High school. Every baby shower has brought Abigail plenty of wonderful and nice things... Even things for us (the new mom and dad to be). Family, Friends, clients, and coworkers have been so very gracious. I don't know how to thank them all enough. For those of you reading this blog that do not know us personally or the trials and tribulations we have been through (six miscarriages) you need to know one thing for sure. Abigail as been a prayed for, prayed over baby and her mom and dad are overjoyed by the abundance and outpouring of prayers, thoughts, well wishes, and gifts.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Dr. Hart
Brian took the day off today so the we could go meet with the pediatrician... WOW what a great guy/Dr. He took about an hour of his time to go over plenty of things with us and made sure if we had any questions to answer them. He went over family history with us and really made us feel at ease. Here's to hoping that he is good with Abigail, as well.
Brian also headed to St. Marys today to get the needed paperwork for us to attend the baptism class May 13th. So on his day off he is trying to get lots of work done along with all the grading he has to do today. LOL ;)
Brian also headed to St. Marys today to get the needed paperwork for us to attend the baptism class May 13th. So on his day off he is trying to get lots of work done along with all the grading he has to do today. LOL ;)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Baby Shower update....
It went great and several of the many people showed up. Sandra (a daycare mom) got the bedding set. Thanks so very much. Abigail received more clothes, diapers, diaper cake, toys, bath products, and quilt.. Mom and dad (Brian and I) received a check to get some additional things for Abigail and a diaper bag (or as Brian calls it ~ a go bag). Some things still in the works... My mom is refinishing an antique high chair that I bought at a yard sale, my dad is making her a toy box, and her Aunt M... (Mary~my sister) is knitting her a blanket. My mom also made the quilt and did a wonderful job of putting the shower together... it was a real smorgasbord of food.
A big thank you to: the following people for coming and being a part of this baby shower.
Mom, Betsy and Mary ~ Aunt Becky and her girls Heather and Heidi (my cousins). Lisa ~ a friend, Sandra (daycare mom) and her two kiddos... (my angels), Amy and her children... (Cheyenne and Buddha/aka Austin) and her newest addition Trista, and also two of my mom's friends from church... Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Green. Thanks so much everyone.
A big thank you to: the following people for coming and being a part of this baby shower.
Mom, Betsy and Mary ~ Aunt Becky and her girls Heather and Heidi (my cousins). Lisa ~ a friend, Sandra (daycare mom) and her two kiddos... (my angels), Amy and her children... (Cheyenne and Buddha/aka Austin) and her newest addition Trista, and also two of my mom's friends from church... Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Green. Thanks so much everyone.
Having a Baby Shower today
Well, I having my second of three baby showers today at 2 PM. I am really looking forward to it and hope that all goes well. This one is being thrown by my side of the family and hoping to see some friends there that were invited. I will update when I get home or tomorrow. With so much going on these last few weeks... I need to plan for anything even the unexpected. LOL I will be packing my hospital bag this week too. Well, in the words of T-i-double g-e-r, "Ta~ta for now."
Friday, April 18, 2008
It's Friday :)
I am so glad to see this day of the week... LOL While my job isn't overly draining it can be exhausting being this pregnant. The kids are great, play well together, and generally listen without being to upset. All three children know that I am expecting... the oldest in my care just smiles when I talk about it, the 2 year old will hug me a lot or rub my belly... the youngest, well let's just say he has known about it for the longest time (had to be careful about picking him up) and he was here when we bought the doppler.. He thinks it is Abigail's cell phone; since we can "hear" even if it just a few kicks, or listening to her heartbeat. His sister who was in my care for 4 years also can't wait for her "sister" to arrive. It is just way too cute. I don't ever need to worry about my daughter not having the love of friends, and or family or those that have become family through long time built relationships. Everyone is looking forward to her getting here and getting here fast.
I have a baby shower on Sunday at my parent's place. I am looking forward to that. One of the daycare moms gave me two of the most adorable outfits, and a pack of diapers. I will post pictures soon of her clothes (they will be in piles) there are so many of them. I am so very grateful for the love and outpouring of generosity for Brian, myself and for Abigail.
I have a baby shower on Sunday at my parent's place. I am looking forward to that. One of the daycare moms gave me two of the most adorable outfits, and a pack of diapers. I will post pictures soon of her clothes (they will be in piles) there are so many of them. I am so very grateful for the love and outpouring of generosity for Brian, myself and for Abigail.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
5 Weeks or 35 days
Wow... I have come a long way considering that a women is pregnant 280 days if she delivers on the estimated due date. Little Abigail isn't so very little anymore... All organ development is complete. She is fattening up right now. I can't wait for my angel to arrive... After many miscarriages, many attempts to carry a baby to term... we have little Abigail in arms reach now. I still pray daily for a healthy baby girl, and pray that we still carry her to the finish line (whenever she may decide to make her appearance). I don't think a mother can ask for much more. Tomorrow I go in at 2:45 PM for my next appointment...Whew~~~~ sigh... I am tired already this morning and it is only 8:00 AM...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Baptism Gown

This is Abigail's Baptism/Dedication Gown... It needs to be ironed... We will have her baptized about two weeks after she is born... I do plan on sending out invitations to those that were invited to the baby showers.... and of course our male friends that weren't invited to the showers (since most view this as a women's thing) will also receive an invite. It will look beautiful on her!!
A new week
Well, it is the start of a new week, and I bet you wonder what I am up too... LOL not a whole lot just yet. I need to get the nursery put together and I and waiting on my clothes hangers to come in ... (all 80 of them) I am sure that I will need more... LOL Abigail's crib is stacked with clothes in them and also a clear plastic tub or two. And then of course... where are all her shoes going to go. Brian thought it awful funny to see all the clothes and shoes and wondered why she has more shoes and clothes than the two of us combined. I told him babies just get them. I am not sure yet which room in my house (only two) that I will make into the nursery. I had thought about turning the master bedroom in to the nursery and daycare room.. but then of course I want to paint it. I am not sure how good that will look if I ever want to rent or sell the house without me repainting it. If I use the other room, well then I don't think it is big enough to hold all of Abigail's things and the daycare things... Choices, choices and more choices... guess I better hurry and decide, as I have 5 week and 3 days counting today or less... that is if our darling decides to come early... I am so wanting to start on things as my "nesting" instinct is kicking in... Last week... I washed windows... something that has never bothered me before. Oh the work load a little one can put on her mama!!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Diapers....and showers
I have two more up coming showers... and one is a diaper shower... Most of you that have read my blog may have known that I am/was planning on using cloth diapers... I am still on planning this but to a much smaller degree for right now... I plan on using them around the house.. (my reason was to cut down on expense)... After talking it over with Brian there is one thing I do realize and did before but didn't really know how he felt either... Life is going to be busy enough with a newborn not to even mention that I will not really be taking anytime off from work (providing childcare) I might as well make my life a little simpler. I am still planning on using cloth diapers just not exclusively anymore. I guess if I won the lotto and could afford to go with a diaper service for washing and cleaning that might be an easier choice then, but for now I am very grateful for the cloth diapers I do have and look forward to the diaper shower, as well.
April 12th...
Today ... is/was our anniversary. We have been married now for 5 years, and I am happy to say that I hope we are together 5x12 years from now. Today was pretty laid back... I woke up early, as usual and Brian slept till about 11 (not so usual). We watched a couple of taped shows, went to Mass, then the Indian Palace... (my that was heaven)... We went to get some natural spring water near my parents and then stopped in to see them. Great visit, but glad to be home as I am so tired... Brian has also talked about his mom quite a bit today. I think he really misses her and the fact that she isn't here as she always wanted grandchildren. "Mom would know what to do" he told me today... I am sad that he doesn't have her here. I did tell him that he has his dad and his sister along with all of his extended family from both sides.
Friday, April 11, 2008
This night ... 5 years ago
Tonight 5 years ago... I don't believe I got much sleep.... I was going to be getting married (which I did) I married a really wonderful man. He has his faults, but then again so do I. But we love each other in spite of it all. We are planning to go to church tomorrow and then to the Indian Palace... I am getting Lamb Vandaloo... hot, very hot and spicy... just the way I like it... Hmmmm might even "force" Abigail to work her way out... (an old wise tale)... but certainly worth trying in my humble opinion. I am starting to feel a tad more; maybe a lot more miserable... I am hot and I am noticing that my feet are starting to swell a bit more and the joints hurt... where my toes are connected to my feet. Abigail is still kicking and must be enjoying the "climate controlled" area she is living in right now... Temps are just right for her.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
42 days or Less
Well, since the Dr. won't be letting me go over, I have 42 days or less as of today. I am so ready. Sierra, the very first child I ever kept in my care is ready for her "sister" to be here. She said tonight when I saw her that Abigail was ready to come. Out of the mouth of babes; Nanny- mommy is ready too. Working all day with three very well behaved kids (most days anyway) is starting to get long... I love them and try my best to keep a positive outlook on each day even though I am sure even I am cranky from time to time... I guess the old saying, "If mama isn't happy~nobody is happy," just might be true. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Dr.'s Appointment
NST went well; everything is looking good. My iron went from 9.2 (last week) to 10.1 today. YEAH!!!! I think the last time I saw 10.1 was in November of last year. Abigail's heart rate was 168 and I lost 4 lbs. Go Hannah~~~~ I see Dr. Rivera next Thursday at 2:45. Wish me well!!! By the way, I did ask him if she didn't come before her due date what was he thinking of doing. He said he will normally allow a woman to go 7-9 days over, but given my past history if she doesn't make an appearance on her own my the 21st he will induce, or there will be a c-section. I am praying for Abigail Chrystalynn to come between April 20th and May 12th.
After sixteen years of marriage my sister-in-law, Johnna and her husband, Ed found out that they are expecting. Today they had the ultrasound and found out they are to be doubly blessed.
Congrats to you both.
Love Hannah
Congrats to you both.
Love Hannah
Monday, April 7, 2008
Smoking while pregnant... what are they Thinking?
I am writing this after seeing several women smoking while pregnant. Have you absolutely no regard to the life inside of you? Do you only care and think about yourself? Is it too much effort to care? I post this because I do care about your unborn son or daughter. Get a grip; smoke if you want to... it is a nasty habit, doesn’t look attractive if a man does it and even less attractive ~ more like trashy if a woman does it. Can’t you get over yourself for just 9 months at least that if you care so much about the child you are carrying?
Cigarette smoke contains more than 2,500 chemicals. It is not known for certain which of these chemicals are harmful to the developing baby, but both nicotine and carbon monoxide play a role in causing adverse pregnancy outcomes.
How can smoking harm the newborn?
Smoking nearly doubles a woman’s risk of having a low-birthweight baby. In 2004, 11.9 percent of babies born to smokers in the United States were of low birthweight (less than 5½ pounds), compared to 7.2 percent of babies of nonsmokers. Low birthweight can result from poor growth before birth, preterm delivery or a combination of both. Smoking has long been known to slow fetal growth. Smoking also increases the risk of preterm delivery (before 37 weeks of gestation). Premature and low-birthweight babies face an increased risk of serious health problems during the newborn period, chronic lifelong disabilities (such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation and learning problems), and even death. The more a pregnant woman smokes, the greater the risk to her baby. However, if a woman stops smoking even by the end of her second trimester of pregnancy, she is no more likely to have a low-birthweight baby than a woman who never smoked.
Can smoking cause pregnancy complications?
Smoking is associated with a number of pregnancy complications. Smoking cigarettes doubles a woman’s risk of developing placental problems. These include:
Placenta previa (a low-lying placenta that covers part or all of the opening of the uterus)
Placental abruption (in which the placenta peels away, partially or almost completely, from the uterine wall before delivery). Both can result in heavy bleeding during delivery that can endanger mother and baby, although cesarean delivery can prevent most deaths. Smoking in pregnancy increases a woman’s risk of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM), when the sac that holds the baby inside the uterus breaks before completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy. (Usually, when it breaks, normal labor ensues within a few hours.) If the rupture occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it often results in the birth of a premature baby. '
Does smoking affect fertility?
Cigarette smoking can cause reproductive problems before a woman even becomes pregnant. Studies show that women who smoke may have more trouble conceiving than nonsmokers. Studies suggest that fertility returns to normal after a woman stops smoking.
Does smoking during pregnancy cause other problems in babies or young children?
A 2003 study suggests that babies of mothers who smoke during pregnancy undergo withdrawal-like symptoms similar to those seen in babies of mothers who use some illicit drugs. For example, babies of smokers appear to be more jittery and difficult to soothe than babies of nonsmokers. Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are up to three times as likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as babies of nonsmokers.
Can exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy harm the baby?
Studies suggest that babies of women who are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy may have reduced growth and may be more likely to be born with low birthweight. Pregnant women should avoid exposure to other people’s smoke.
How can a woman stop smoking?
The March of Dimes recommends that women stop smoking before they become pregnant and do not smoke throughout pregnancy and after the baby is born. A woman’s health care provider can refer her to a smoking-cessation program or suggest other ways to help her quit. The March of Dimes supports a 5- to 15-minute, 5-step counseling approach called "The 5 A’s," which is performed by the health care provider during routine prenatal visits. This approach has been shown to improve smoking cessation rates among pregnant women by at least 30 percent.
Studies suggest that certain factors make it more likely that a woman will be successful in her efforts to quit smoking during pregnancy. These include:
Attempting to quit in the past
Having a partner who doesn’t smoke
Getting support from family or other important people in her life
Understanding the harmful effects of smoking
How does exposure to smoke after birth affect a baby?
It is important to stay smoke-free after the baby is born. Parents should refrain from smoking in the home and should ask visitors to do the same. Babies who are exposed to smoke suffer from more lower-respiratory illnesses (such as bronchitis and pneumonia) and ear infections than do other babies. Babies who are exposed to their parents’ smoke after birth also may face an increased risk of asthma and SIDS. Smoking harms a mother’s health, too. Smokers have an increased risk of lung and other cancers, heart disease, stroke and emphysema (a potentially disabling and, sometimes, deadly lung condition). Quitting smoking makes parents healthier and better role models for their children.
Cigarette smoke contains more than 2,500 chemicals. It is not known for certain which of these chemicals are harmful to the developing baby, but both nicotine and carbon monoxide play a role in causing adverse pregnancy outcomes.
How can smoking harm the newborn?
Smoking nearly doubles a woman’s risk of having a low-birthweight baby. In 2004, 11.9 percent of babies born to smokers in the United States were of low birthweight (less than 5½ pounds), compared to 7.2 percent of babies of nonsmokers. Low birthweight can result from poor growth before birth, preterm delivery or a combination of both. Smoking has long been known to slow fetal growth. Smoking also increases the risk of preterm delivery (before 37 weeks of gestation). Premature and low-birthweight babies face an increased risk of serious health problems during the newborn period, chronic lifelong disabilities (such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation and learning problems), and even death. The more a pregnant woman smokes, the greater the risk to her baby. However, if a woman stops smoking even by the end of her second trimester of pregnancy, she is no more likely to have a low-birthweight baby than a woman who never smoked.
Can smoking cause pregnancy complications?
Smoking is associated with a number of pregnancy complications. Smoking cigarettes doubles a woman’s risk of developing placental problems. These include:
Placenta previa (a low-lying placenta that covers part or all of the opening of the uterus)
Placental abruption (in which the placenta peels away, partially or almost completely, from the uterine wall before delivery). Both can result in heavy bleeding during delivery that can endanger mother and baby, although cesarean delivery can prevent most deaths. Smoking in pregnancy increases a woman’s risk of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM), when the sac that holds the baby inside the uterus breaks before completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy. (Usually, when it breaks, normal labor ensues within a few hours.) If the rupture occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it often results in the birth of a premature baby. '
Does smoking affect fertility?
Cigarette smoking can cause reproductive problems before a woman even becomes pregnant. Studies show that women who smoke may have more trouble conceiving than nonsmokers. Studies suggest that fertility returns to normal after a woman stops smoking.
Does smoking during pregnancy cause other problems in babies or young children?
A 2003 study suggests that babies of mothers who smoke during pregnancy undergo withdrawal-like symptoms similar to those seen in babies of mothers who use some illicit drugs. For example, babies of smokers appear to be more jittery and difficult to soothe than babies of nonsmokers. Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are up to three times as likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as babies of nonsmokers.
Can exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy harm the baby?
Studies suggest that babies of women who are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke during pregnancy may have reduced growth and may be more likely to be born with low birthweight. Pregnant women should avoid exposure to other people’s smoke.
How can a woman stop smoking?
The March of Dimes recommends that women stop smoking before they become pregnant and do not smoke throughout pregnancy and after the baby is born. A woman’s health care provider can refer her to a smoking-cessation program or suggest other ways to help her quit. The March of Dimes supports a 5- to 15-minute, 5-step counseling approach called "The 5 A’s," which is performed by the health care provider during routine prenatal visits. This approach has been shown to improve smoking cessation rates among pregnant women by at least 30 percent.
Studies suggest that certain factors make it more likely that a woman will be successful in her efforts to quit smoking during pregnancy. These include:
Attempting to quit in the past
Having a partner who doesn’t smoke
Getting support from family or other important people in her life
Understanding the harmful effects of smoking
How does exposure to smoke after birth affect a baby?
It is important to stay smoke-free after the baby is born. Parents should refrain from smoking in the home and should ask visitors to do the same. Babies who are exposed to smoke suffer from more lower-respiratory illnesses (such as bronchitis and pneumonia) and ear infections than do other babies. Babies who are exposed to their parents’ smoke after birth also may face an increased risk of asthma and SIDS. Smoking harms a mother’s health, too. Smokers have an increased risk of lung and other cancers, heart disease, stroke and emphysema (a potentially disabling and, sometimes, deadly lung condition). Quitting smoking makes parents healthier and better role models for their children.
Brian is sick
Brian is extremely sick~ food poisoning from Saturday. I am not sure why other than we ate the same things at the baby shower; although I didn’t eat the chicken salad. He has stayed in bed pretty much all of Sunday, and is going to call off work for Monday. I feel so bad for him-he has had a temp of 102.7; it has started to come down. I hate it when he feels miserable. I am glad to know that I didn’t eat the chicken salad as I don’t know what that would have done to me; I have gone back to having a very sensitive stomach the last three weeks and would hate to have food poisoning on top of it all. Here is hoping Brian feels a whole lot better real soon.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Baby Shower
Well, I had the first of three baby showers yesterday. There were a lot of people to show up and some that even came from out of town.. It was really nice to see everyone there. As soon as I get some pictures back I will post them. The baby shower was video taped. I am hoping that everyone had a good time even with the way things have been. Everyone brought very nice and generous gifts for Abigail... even if some didn't know that we were having a girl. It was good. I want to thank Grandma Gladys for putting the whole thing together and employing the help of Johnna (the cake), Aunt Pat (pictures and set up), Misty (decorations) and Jackie (helping Grandma with the food). Thanks everyone!!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I am starting to hurt as I am sure every woman who has every been pregnant knows where. Geee. It hurts to walk, change sides, and a whole other host of things happen to hurt if I am up and about. Is it time? Well, somehow I doubt it. Could it please be time? .... well, I hope so. It gets to the point sometimes of not being able to stand up straight... Like my body feels better in a cramped, and hunched over position. Several people are thinking that Abigail just might be an April baby instead of May baby... All I ask is that she be completely mature enough to be able to leave the hospital when I do that all of her organs be at full working potential at birth. I would kind of like her to wait till after next Saturday (April 12th) this will be our 5th yr anniversary, but I will await and look forward to her arrival whichever date she chooses. Babies have a way of doing that you know... coming when they are darn good and ready. I don't think the hurting as of yet is contractions but geeeee it still hurts.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Life as we now know it
Life as we know it is about to change. Our little girl is going to make her appearance sooner or later… hopefully sooner. I can only think that all the struggles and tribulations that we have been through as a couple have been for a reason. Why? I am sure that I will never know, but then again God doesn’t say to us He will give us the answers. That is where our trust and faith come in and we have to know that He will give us the strength to get through each day.
Sleepless nights and long filled days are just around the corner. I hope that I remember that no matter how tired, sleepy, grumpy or even agitated I get that she doesn’t have a schedule in place that I will remember to treasure each moment as though it could be my last. I think I have lived my life in such a way that I don’t have any regrets and I want no regrets when it comes to Abigail. I know that I will not be the perfect mother; there will be times that I fail her and myself. I hope that I can learn to forgive myself and that she will forgive me too when I do fail.
Brian and I can’t wait for her arrival. WOW life is going to change~~~ Bring the change on.
Sleepless nights and long filled days are just around the corner. I hope that I remember that no matter how tired, sleepy, grumpy or even agitated I get that she doesn’t have a schedule in place that I will remember to treasure each moment as though it could be my last. I think I have lived my life in such a way that I don’t have any regrets and I want no regrets when it comes to Abigail. I know that I will not be the perfect mother; there will be times that I fail her and myself. I hope that I can learn to forgive myself and that she will forgive me too when I do fail.
Brian and I can’t wait for her arrival. WOW life is going to change~~~ Bring the change on.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
32 weeks 7 days....
Whew... sigh. I am ending week 33 today... 7 weeks to go. I am so tired, exhuasted, and so very ready for her to be here. The weather is starting to get to me. I am hot, but refuse to turn the air on just yet. So here is to hoping relief comes soon in the form of cooler weather and a baby...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Just collecting my thoughts~long
The past 33 weeks have been a real eye opener for me. I have plenty of time to think about what I want for our daughter and what I want from myself as her mother.
I want above all for Abigail to know that she is loved and was thought about with love and joy from day one even if there were days I wondered how much longer can I endure the discomforts associated with pregnancy. Although, many times I have said I would go through everything ten times over just to be where I am today with her. Someone asked me yesterday, “Has your pregnancy gone by slowly or has it flown by?” I would have to say flown by even though there are times it seems to drag… maybe because I am so impatient to have her in my arms. They say to enjoy pregnancy, because it is a time frame you don’t ever get the chance to relive or get back. When Abigail is born there will be a whole new set of milestones to look forward to, but right now…I treasure those late night kicks (even if I wake up tired). I know I will miss the times that Brian and I sat and listened to her heart beating wildly, (like a stampede of galloping horses). We will miss the talking to her, reading to her, popping her little butt while in my womb just to get her to move or punch back. I cried the first time I felt her move and then I wanted to feel it all the time.
I am glad to know that my dad (her grandpa) will be there for her and calls me weekly to find out how I am doing, how his grandbaby is doing, how much longer before she gets here? It is way too cute. I am glad my mother (her grandma) is excited and calls to see if there is anything she can do for me, can she bring a meal or plant some flowers in my flower bed. I am glad and honored to know that her soon to be grandparents take such an interest in her and have long before we reached this stage of the game. I know that they will be active in her life and will want to do things with her. I am pleased to know that my daughter will have aunts, and uncles, and cousins that will love and care for her. That have prayed and wanted her here. I do know that Brian’s sister, Johnna will play a very active and loving role in Abigail’s life and I am very happy and grateful for that, as well. I must say it has been good to know that there are members of Brian’s extended family that call and want to be a part of her life, from both his dad and mom’s side. I know that my daughter will be well loved. And that means the most to me as a mother. It saddens me to think that Brian’s mom, Debra Charlynn isn’t here. I have only ever heard what a loving mom and wife she was, and how much she wanted grandchildren. I am sorry that I never got to meet her before marrying her son. Her children, (Brian and Johnna) have told me so much about her. Brian’s dad will be her pawpaw (grandpa). This is his first grandchild, his granddaughter, Abigail. I am hoping that there will be a bond between them.
I am her mother, the person that loved her, prayed for her, and wanted her with all of my heart. I am going to proctect her to the best of my ability. That is a mother’s job! And I take on my role has mother with love and with a passion that won’t be denied.
I want above all for Abigail to know that she is loved and was thought about with love and joy from day one even if there were days I wondered how much longer can I endure the discomforts associated with pregnancy. Although, many times I have said I would go through everything ten times over just to be where I am today with her. Someone asked me yesterday, “Has your pregnancy gone by slowly or has it flown by?” I would have to say flown by even though there are times it seems to drag… maybe because I am so impatient to have her in my arms. They say to enjoy pregnancy, because it is a time frame you don’t ever get the chance to relive or get back. When Abigail is born there will be a whole new set of milestones to look forward to, but right now…I treasure those late night kicks (even if I wake up tired). I know I will miss the times that Brian and I sat and listened to her heart beating wildly, (like a stampede of galloping horses). We will miss the talking to her, reading to her, popping her little butt while in my womb just to get her to move or punch back. I cried the first time I felt her move and then I wanted to feel it all the time.
I am glad to know that my dad (her grandpa) will be there for her and calls me weekly to find out how I am doing, how his grandbaby is doing, how much longer before she gets here? It is way too cute. I am glad my mother (her grandma) is excited and calls to see if there is anything she can do for me, can she bring a meal or plant some flowers in my flower bed. I am glad and honored to know that her soon to be grandparents take such an interest in her and have long before we reached this stage of the game. I know that they will be active in her life and will want to do things with her. I am pleased to know that my daughter will have aunts, and uncles, and cousins that will love and care for her. That have prayed and wanted her here. I do know that Brian’s sister, Johnna will play a very active and loving role in Abigail’s life and I am very happy and grateful for that, as well. I must say it has been good to know that there are members of Brian’s extended family that call and want to be a part of her life, from both his dad and mom’s side. I know that my daughter will be well loved. And that means the most to me as a mother. It saddens me to think that Brian’s mom, Debra Charlynn isn’t here. I have only ever heard what a loving mom and wife she was, and how much she wanted grandchildren. I am sorry that I never got to meet her before marrying her son. Her children, (Brian and Johnna) have told me so much about her. Brian’s dad will be her pawpaw (grandpa). This is his first grandchild, his granddaughter, Abigail. I am hoping that there will be a bond between them.
I am her mother, the person that loved her, prayed for her, and wanted her with all of my heart. I am going to proctect her to the best of my ability. That is a mother’s job! And I take on my role has mother with love and with a passion that won’t be denied.
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