Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mykey has his doggie Wings

We have two greyhounds and a schnauzer. The oldest greyhound... 8 years 6 months had to be put down today. On Wednesday we noticed he wasn't as active but he is old too and moves slow anyway... Well yesterday he had a lump (hump is more like it) on his back, didn't eat or drink, and had no control over his hind legs... We took him to the emergency vet today at noon and put him down at 2... They x-rayed the hump on his back and it was a massively large and fast growing bone tumor... We had only one option ~ steroids... surgery was out of the question due to the fact that it was in spine and ribs on one side. The vet was honest with us and told us that steroids would only do so good for so long and then we still have to put him down... So we put him down... They gave me a plaster print of his paw... and we should have the remains (ashes) back in about a week. He is so without pain but we are hurting...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

18 weeks and 7 days.....

End of week 19
Our baby weighs about 8.5 ounces and is measuring 6 inches, head to bottom — about the size of a large mango. The hair on the scalp is sprouting ( if there is lots of hair-- there will be heartburn). If our baby is a girl, she already has 6 million eggs in her ovaries. This is a crucial time for sensory development: Our baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Baby may be able to hear us as we talk. Research shows that baby is learning to distinguish my voice from others, and will soon show a preference for it. Daddy is putting his head to my belly — he is talking to our baby.
Our little action figure is able to choreograph Matrix-like moves by now. Arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles, and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone. All these upgrades combine to give our baby more control over limb movements. Which explains all that kicking, stretching, and bodysurfing (or rather bellysurfing) you've possibly started feeling by now. Something else going on this week: Our baby is getting a cheesy varnish. Say what? Yup — a protective substance called vernix caseosa (vernix is the Latin word for varnish; caseosa is cheese) now covers our baby's skin. It's greasy and white and is made up of lanugo (that downy hair), oil from our baby's glands, and dead skin cells. This waxy "cheese" may not sound too appetizing or attractive, but it's there for good reason: Vernix protects our baby's sensitive skin from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Without it, our baby would look very wrinkled at birth (sort of what you'd look like if you soaked in a bath for nine months). Some babies — especially those born early — will still be covered with vernix at the delivery, so we might get a look at our baby's first anti-wrinkle cream. If I think I'm big now? I'll start growing even more rapidly in the weeks to come. This added weight may make it hard for me to keep up my regular pace (what pace?) without taking a catnap (been doing that) during the day. If I start to get that darkened line running from the top of your belly button to the top of your pubic bone---haven't yet. It's called the linea nigra, or 'dark line,' and is caused by a temporary increase in melanin, the substance that colors my hair, skin, and eyes.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My niece... my brother's and his girlfriend's baby

Bob and Becky
Rachael Morgan
8 lbs 11 oz.
21 inches.

My Results are Back...

Well, my results for the AFP test came back... They were normal. Brian and I are very happy to know this. We and everyone we know continues to pray that this will be a healthy baby, even if the pregnancy hasn't been all that easy up to this point... I can say this I don't know of a more prayed for and prayed over baby. A lady on my mom's mail route asks about me... Mom always gives her updates and she tell mom, "Let Hannah know she is in our prayers." I am often amazed at the way the Lord works and to see so many families, friends and even strangers pulling for a healthy pregnancy for Brian and myself.

With gratitude... We say, "Thankyou"

I am 17 weeks and 6 days today. Twenty two weeks and 1 day to go. Less time if the baby is early; more if the baby doesn't come on the "due date."

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The appointment

OK several things:

1). Lost two more pounds... 12 pounds lost so far...
2). Iron levels are down again...
3). Heartbeat was great...163
4). 3 more weeks and I am half way there.. Wow seems to have flown by to some degree.
5). Went for a AFP test (tests for Down Syndrome) results will be back nenxt Wed. No matter what the results, this baby is ours. Brian wanted the test just to prepare mentally if need be.


Went to the hospital for the AFP test... I HATE needles so much that I think my veins run and hide when they see needles coming. They tried to get a vein to "pop" on the left arm... Nothing..went to the right arm .. found a very small vein... Got the needle in and then dug around for about 10 min to try and get a drop of blood -- nothing. Went back to the left arm... I was fed up.. Told them I have plenty of showing veins in my wrists, feet and at this point boobs too... I don't care where you get the blood leave my arms alone... They then go for the left hand. Finally got a vein, but the blood just dripped ever so slowly in there... Well, that is my update....

Next Appointment is in January... till then or at least the next post.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Baby's First Movements?

Twice so far today... (I am 16 weeks and 2 days) I think I felt the baby move.... "flutters" or whatever you call them.... It felt like swirling (I was in a store the first time) you know when you like take a spoon and swirl water into a tunnel vacuum in a glass... It scared me this morning... It happened again just now laying on the couch, and lasted maybe two minutes... Scared at first; went and grabbed the Doppler FAST... I thought if I am able to find a heartbeat because of the swirling sensation then that might actually be the baby moving. I found that fast beating heart in less then 2 seconds...If so our baby is a swimmer for sure... LOL or Skating in fast circles...DH says baby is doing water acrobats.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Window Shopping...

Yes, I have started window shopping and seeing what I would like for our baby too. It is so fun to do that... We have even registered at several places this weekend to start giving people ideas of things that would be practical and that we think we will need most for the baby. I am sure there are things not on the list that other moms may know that would be important to a new mother... so those items are greatly appreciated too.

Places we are Registered would be:

Babies "R" US (there is one item on here that is also located at Discount Depot in Williamston for almost half of what it is atBabies "R"Us) ... (I am all about saving money) The swing above is at the Discount Depot in Williamstion across from Hardees.



I only put down a few things (multiples at all 3 locations; this way people can choose where to shop) I will probably be adding more when we find out if we are having a boy or girl.

15 weeks and 7 days

~~~Ending of week SIXTEEN ~~~ What has been happening this past week?

At 4 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and 3 1/2 ounces, our baby is about the size of an avocado. In the next three weeks, she'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling her weight and adding inches to her length. The patterning of her scalp has begun, though her hair isn't recognizable yet. Although closed, her eyes are moving (slowly), and she's even started growing toenails. Her fingernails and toenails will continue to grow, so don't be surprised if baby needs them trimmed soon after birth.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12~04~07 Heartbeat Movie

The heart beat of the baby ranged from 164-167 Awwwwww how precious is that. There is even a kick or two in there but I guess if you don't know what to listen for you might just miss it... I am so glad to have this doppler as it gives me a little peace of mind knowing that the baby is doing fine.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happenings in the baby's life this past week

Our growing baby now measures about 4 inches, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple; not the weight of the apple). Baby is busy moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in the lungs as they begin to develop. Little legs are growing longer than the arms now, and baby can move all of joints and limbs. Although eyelids are still fused shut, our baby can sense light. If I shine a flashlight at my tummy, for instance, baby likely to move away from the beam.

Last day of week 15

You know this is all so confusing.... LOL... I am 14 weeks and 7 days, or otherwise considered the last day of week 15.... All I can say is YEA!!!!! No cravings yet, but maybe the nausea is starting to subside... I still throw up each day but at least not at every meal. Thanking God for small favors. My heartbeat fetal doppler should be in today or tomorrow; I can't wait!!!! Just hoping to find the heartbeat right away so that I don't stress over not being able to find it.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Black Friday... 15 Weeks and 2 Days

Not sure how many brave souls decided to get out this morning. This is the first year in 8 years that I didn't go out... Being 15 weeks sure put a damper in my usual rush out the door. I didn't want to get mowed down by people who don't have the time of day. Of course, Brian didn't want me going out either.. Half of this baby is his too and he didn't want me getting in harms way for a few deals...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

15 weeks... Day 1

Well, the first day of the 15th week falls on Thanksgiving Day... I am so happy and so excited that the Lord has let me carry this baby this far. Brian and I are looking forward to a little "ya ya" (Brian's termilogy --for a small child) Still waiting for the Heartbeat doppler to arrive... I was hoping that it would be here today so that I could take it and let our friends and family hear the heart beat... Oh well... I still hvae so much to be thankful for... even if I can't keep down the Thanksgiving dinner; I will be spending time with family and friends. I am hoping everyone has a Happy Turkey Day...


I am Thankful for...


OK many of you may be wondering why I would be thankful for such a thing...Let me explain...
We always thank God when things are going well (these are the roses and rose petals). I have had many lessons to learn over the past four years (many thorny lessons) After six miscarriages and really depressed and upset with God that He would allow such things to happen in my life I realize that there are lessons to learn in all of the thorns placed among us. He placed the thorns among the roses. There are 10x as many thorns on one Rose stem compared to that one little rose. The Rose has to grow among the thorny stem so that we may enjoy and love it's beauty. Remember the Thorns in our life are not a bad thing. Christ had a crown of thorns placed upon His head. Thank Him for the thorns in your life.

"My God, I have never thanked You for my thorns. I have thanked You a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my thorns. Teach me the glory of the cross I bear; teach me the value of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed closer to You along the path of pain. Show me that, through my tears, the colors of your rainbow look much more brilliant."

Praise Him for the roses; thank Him for the thorns. God Bless all of you. Be thankful for all that the Lord does for you. "Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God." We often try to fix problems with WD-40 and Duct tape. God did it with nails.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

13 weeks 7 days... End of Week 14

Our baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck thier thumb. Thanks to brain impulses, facial muscles are getting a workout as the tiny facial features form one expression after another. Baby's kidneys are producing urine, which release into the amniotic fluid around our baby — a process "Tiger Paw" keep up until birth. Our baby can grasp, how amazing is that. Our baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, our little one measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

HI bebe Prenatal Heart Fetal Doppler/ Monitor # BT-200

I just won this on Ebay to be able to listen to our Dear baby's heart beat....I think it will be so nice to bond in a way just listening the the miracle of a heartbeat... (also might give me some peace of mind to know that the baby is doing fine in between Dr. visits)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Another Belly picture....

This is me at 13 weeks and 4 days... I am just now starting to like the way I look. I am in my 14th week...Can't wait for Thanksgiving day...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's my Birthday...

... and I'll cry if I want to.... Well, I don't want to cry~~ I am happy, have a great husband, have my health, pregnancy is going well and I am 29. Brian said to enjoy this year because it is 30 after this and life seems to move so much faster. I think life moves pretty fast now as it is.

Also, today marks the start of week 14. I am 14 weeks 0 days... I am 94 days into this pregnancy with 188 days to go....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Somebody asked...

.. for a belly picture? Well here it is!!!

The last day of week 13

How your baby's growing:
Fingerprints have formed on our baby's tiny fingertips, veins and organs are clearly visible through the still-thin skin, and baby's body is starting to catch up with their head size— which makes up just a third of the body size now. If we were having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Our baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dr.'s Appointment

First of all, the appointment went great... Brian took the latter part of the day off from school to come and be there with me. They found the heart beat.... and we heard it.... YEAH~~~~~ Heart beat was 157 (a great normal) is what the Dr. said...they measured... I am measuring a (day) early... LOL (didn't know that was possible) Iron was up finally to 11.6 Yeah!!! it has been low... Urine sample test (whatever they all include) came back great... and I LOST another 3 lbs... Dr. Rivera said to enjoy it while it lasted because soon (3 weeks or less) I should starting gaining. Still vomiting quite a bit, but hey it comes with the whole pregnant thing right? ... some women are lucky enough not to have morning sickness during their pregnancy. I can't say how happy either of us were to hear that little, but fast pumping heart... I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. I will have a blood test run at my next appointment.. YEAH :O( more blood to be drawn and taken.. LOL And I am about to look into get a heart doppler monitor so that we can hear the heart beat whenever... It was so neat and so amazing

~What I am looking for is this: HI-bebe by Bistos

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Last Day of the First Trimester

Today is the last day of the first trimester... WOW... The baby has grown so much and has also caused "baby's" mama so much pain already... but a pain that I would gladly take no matter how difficult. Mama is happy to go through this (well about 5 minutes after each bout of vomiting).

More about the baby: (this is what has been happening for the last seven days)
The most dramatic development this week: Reflexes. Our baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, toes will curl, eye muscles will clench, and the mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if I poke or push on my abdomen, our baby will squirm in response, although we won't be able to feel it. The intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into the abdominal cavity about now, and the kidneys will begin excreting urine into the bladder. From crown to rump, our baby-to-be is just over two inches long, (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Guess Game Added... the bottom of the page... Be the first to ENTER your GUESS!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

I would Die for that....

In a world of so many orphans, the act of adoption and so many women facing infertility.. this song really touches my heart. After 4 + years of marriage and trying to conceive, looking into adoption (which we still plan to do~adopt) We have finally by God's miraculous hand conceived,and hope to carry this baby to term. Please enjoy this video clip ... click on the line below.

> 200 days left or 86 days into the Pregnancy

I have 198 days left till the EDD (estimated due date) this in reality should be EGD (estimated guess date) as less than 5% of children are born on their EDD... Talked to my mom over the weekend... only 1 out of her 5 children were born on the due date... The rest of us were late; probability says I will be late, as well. Out of her other 4 children we ran from 5 days late (me) to 3 weeks late... OH MY!!!!! My next appointment is just EIGHT DAYS AWAY!!!!! Just realized that Nov. 7th will end my first trimester... YEAH!!!! More to come later. Thanks so all the many prayers and kind words that have been coming our way.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Baby is Growing

Our baby's growing: "Tiger paw" is just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a plum, is now almost fully formed. Baby is getting heavier all the time, (mama is starting to "outgrow" some of her pants), and is learning lots of complicated behaviors like the swallowing reflex and coordinated responses that allow them to touch their face. Our baby's hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under the gums, and some of baby's bones are beginning to harden. Our little "tiger paw" is already busy kicking and stretching, and baby's tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as baby's body grows and becomes more developed and functional. I won't feel our baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will I notice the hiccuping that may be happening now that the diaphragm is now forming.

Some changes in my body that may or may not be noticeable to family and friends:

While no weight gain... belly is shifting due to the size of the uterus... Making some of my pants a little more difficult to wear.. Hmmmm that fact the the boobs are so and getting a little larger too... making it a little uncomfortable... Oh well, a price I will gladly pay for a bundle of joy!!!

Vomiting is still part of my pregnancy at this point!!! YEA~~~~

Next Dr.'s Appointment is Nov. 13, '08

Friday, October 26, 2007

Life Begins Anew


Let there be no deception

About Life's debut

At the moment of conception

Life begins anew.

Behind... Yes I know it...

So very sorry readers. I am behind in blogging, I was 10 weeks on Wednesday; now I am 10 weeks and 2 days. Here is a little about the Fetal development that is taking place. I haven't been doing so great this week. Much of the morning sickness has returned even with the prescription the OB gave. I am praying for some time of relief as this is very hard along with my job of taking care of children. The older ones want to know what is wrong with their nanny. Of course, they don't know yet. All they do know is that nanny's tummy feels real bad. Hate for them to think the baby did this to me when they find out we are gonna have a baby (probably around Christmas is when I will tell them). One little girl told me yesterday... "nanny you look fat; meanwhile I have lost 6 lbs)... Awwwwwww the kids.

My baby is somewhere between 1 and 1-1/2 inches in length and probably weighs about 4 grams (or as much as 4 paper clips). He or she has lips, toes, eyes that are usually open, ears that are completely formed, and the genitals are becoming more clearly defined. WOW isn't God just awesome. He knows just what my baby looks like too.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dr.'s Appointment

What Do I Look Like?

Well, Dr. app went very well. That was part 1 of the good news. I told him of my being nervous of past miscarriages (habitual natural aborter) and he totally knew where I was coming from. I got another ultrasound today and DH was with me.. We got to see the head, body, 2 little arm buds and 2 little leg buds. My baby is almost an inch long and the heartbeat was 180 So I am feeling very happy about that. The head is on the right side and the little legs on the left.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week Nine Ending

I am at the end of my NINE WEEKS today

Defining Moments

The fetus looks more human now, with hands, feet, and the beginnings of fingers and toes becoming evident. The ear will gradually move up to a position level with the eye.

What else is taking Place this Week?

The embryo inside me gets a new name this week—the official designation is now fetus. And this fetus is looking less and less like a pink blob. The tail has disappeared and the body shape is now emerging, thanks in part to the elongation and straightening of the trunk area. My fetus measures about 1 inch long this week.

Growth spurt.
This is a critical period for arm and leg development. The legs have lengthened, and the buds that will eventually become the toes have started to sprout. Meanwhile, the arms have gotten longer and have begun to bend at the elbow. A basic hand structure is forming too, with the fingers and thumb clearly differentiated. The abdomen is developing as well: The structures that will be the liver, gallbladder, spleen, and adrenal gland are becoming specialized.
On the go.
This is the beginning of the dance period! Our little one has started moving vigorously, even in response to stimuli from outside my body, such as light and noise. But I won't be able to feel this action until well into my second trimester.

Tomorrow another appointment and maybe and ultrasound?!?!?!?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Weather Changes.

I feel as yuck as can be. With the weather changes, I now have a dry throat and stopped up nose. I am hoping there is something that I can take to get rid of this soon as this is about to kill me personally. It doesn't help the fact that I still and many times a day need to vomit. I am going through water like crazy. (went through 3 water bottles last night, alone) Please pray that I will feel better soon.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

8 Weeks Ending Today.

Our Baby
In just two weeks, my baby has basically quadrupled in size -- Baby is now about a half-inch long! And while just last week my baby barely had hands, now the fingers and toes have started to develop. Baby's wrists, elbows, and ankles are visible on an ultrasound now (with some help from my eagle-eyed technician, of course)

I don't go in till I am 9 weeks and 1 day. We will see if they will do another u/s then.
This week my baby may even be able to start flexing them! Our baby's delicate facial features are becoming more refined now, with ears, upper lip, and the teeny tip of baby's nose all clearly visible. Our baby's eyelids will also take shape for the first time this week (the eyes, which now have pigment in them, will appear open until the lids have finished growing in a few weeks' time). Finally, our baby's key internal organs continue to develop, most notably the intestines and heart, which grows stronger by the day.

* Photo and baby's development is from the Internet.

I am feeling ok minus the vomiting and the very sore boobs. LOL

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Another Weekend Gone by~~~

Well, yet another weekend has gone by. How slow the work week goes and the weekend just zips right by me. I am 7 weeks and 4 days (sunday); almost to 8 weeks. I went and saw ~B~ and ~G's~ house yesterday. Very nice. I love what they are doing with the kids bathroom (all kiddo hardware... Pint size sink (being added) it already has the pint size toilet and tub. Way too cute. We went to my parent's house today and they had a very late b~day party (35th) for my husband, Brian (his birthday was Sept 9th) Lots of fun though. My mom was so hoping that we would tell everyone about a baby being on the way. We want to wait till my birthday party (Nov. 18th) Birthday is the 15th. We will be 13 weeks 4 days when my party rolls around (Lord willing). Vomiting is still around. I spent about 2 hours Sat. morning over the golden throne, and also spent some time there Sat. afternoon. (no vomiting today though) Thank God for small favors!!! 11 days till my next appointment with the OB; I can't wait. I wonder what they will find out and tell me this time. I would appreciate everyones continued prayers.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Way too Cute

A picture worth a thousand words... This one says it all!!

My day is over

After a very long day it, it is over!! One more day till the weekend. don't I just sound happy about that. (maybe even a little too happy) I love the kids in my care, but I need a break ever now and again. Even more so due to the fact that I am pregnant and never seem to get enough rest during the day. I am still not keeping much down, but all for the good of the baby... I would do anything. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and words of encouragement.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Seven Weeks Today

Well it is hump day (work week is almost over) it is also the start of Hump Week for me. I am just over the half way mark for the first trimester. I want to thank God for a wonderful OB and also for all the amazing things that are going on in my little one's life.

~~ What is Happening this Week~~

Brain child. My little one's big accomplishment last week was the "zipping up" of the neural tube. This week, the budding genius is working on building brainpower. Although brain development will continue long after birth, the basic sections are laid down now. As the week progresses, the organ will divide into three parts: forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The forebrain will be responsible for things such as reasoning, problem solving, and forming and retaining memories. The midbrain will function as a traffic cop, relaying electrical signals to their final destinations in the brain. And the hindbrain will take care of breathing, heart rate, and muscle movement. The action isn't all upstairs, however. Limbs are also growing fast. Arm and leg buds have sprouted, though at this point they look more like paddles. Measuring up. My little one is 0.15 to 0.3 inch (4 to 8 millimeters) long this week, a little larger than the width of your pinky nail.

Out on a Limb
Limb buds have appeared and are gradually forming arms, hands, and legs. The dark spot on the photo is an eye.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Voting polls are over .. Results are in

Well the majority (80%) said we are going to have a girl while just 20% said a boy was on the way... I guess we shall see.


Well, only 16 more days till my next Dr.'s appointment. YAY!!!!!! Doing OK~ morning sickness or all day sickness is here to stay (hopefully for not much longer). In addition to my operating a business out of my home (childcare) I have also been selling a few items at the local consignment shop. I was notified today that they will be closing; guess I got to find another place to sell the remainder of the items that I had there. I am also doing a few other little odd and end things to try and bring in some extra income. Good thing I was doing this prior to becoming pregnant. Every little bit helps. I am also hoping to find a few clients as I have a few openings for children in my care. I don't want to take on to many at one time considering the fact that I am pregnant. I don't want to overwork myself or cause to much stress for me and the baby. I am ending my six weeks today (6 weeks and 6 days). I continue to ask for prayers and for the health and well being of myself and of the baby. Tomorrow is a brand new day and the beginning of WEEK SEVEN!!!! :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Spoiled ones in the Family

Kona age 2
Mykey age 8
Incredible age 6


Well, Monday is almost over... Praise be. I am tired and need sleep. This baby is kicking my butt all over the place, but I will gladly accept the butt kicking I'm getting. I am 6 weeks and 5 days... Guess what Wednesday is hump day and hump week for me... LOL I will be just over half way to the 12 week mark for me. So I am looking forward to Wednesday. I made pot roast with potatoes and carrots for dinner + rolls. I am so hoping I can eat and keep it down. It smells so very good..... yummmmmmmmmmmmmmy

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday (6 weeks & 4 days)

Well... I am tired, tired and more tired than I thought possible. (YAWN) I took it pretty easy over the weekend and still taking it easy. My concern for this pregnancy is to have a healthy baby. The Dr. says that all my vomiting is a good sign.... YEAH!!!! I do plenty of that. I absolutely hate the taste of prenatal vitamins; What are they made with? GAG :( I am trying to keep my iron level up too; it is a little low. Can't drink OJ either... found that out the hard way and while driving. I felt bad that I couldn't help my friends ~G~ and ~B~ move over the weekend. I still want to go and see their new house, maybe I will do that next weekend. My brother and sister in law were living with us for a while; they also moved out this weekend. I couldn't help them out either. It was good to have them here and I hated to see them leave. ~J~ was so good at helping me out with the daycare once we found out that I was pregnant and being here to stay with the kiddos as I went to my Dr.'s appointments. She said she would still come over to help out with that when I had appointments so that is a factor of potential stress that I don't have. So I want to thank ~J~ for that.

Friday, September 28, 2007

At six weeks

Layers of Meaning

Though it still resembles a blob, the embryo has already divided into tissue layers. Most organ systems are starting to develop, too. The dark circle is an eye.

Moving along...

Things tend to be moving right along; I am 6 weeks and 2 days. I am trying to get has much rest and sleep as possible and taking it easy. The Dr. is happy that with the pregnancy, and with the fact that I am throwing up; says it is a good sign. I don't know of many people that would think seeing me bent over the golden throne is a happy and pleasant thought. But if that is what it takes I gladly welcome it every day. Driving is hard for me has I used to get sick just riding in the car, but know it seems that it bothers me to even drive.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ultrasound Picture

This is our very first ultrasound done at 5 weeks and 6 days. Can you see the two little stars on the ultrasound picture... well that is where the "little blob" is located. The heartbeat was the most important thing for me to see that day. I want to thank God for all His amazing miracles.

What will we have

Based on just Brian's family history what will we have (just as far back as his parents and their siblings go)

Brian's family... 1 boy & 1 girl
Brian's dad family... 3 boys
Brian's mom family... 3 girls & 2 boys

Ultrasound results

Well, here are the ultrasound results...

I am 5 weeks and 6 days (day of ultrasound) today I am 6 weeks and 1 day (Sept. 27th) The little "blob" is .38 cm long, had a heartbeat of 122 beats per minute, and is due Wed. May 21, 2008. (this date of course is just estimated) when the ultrasound was done they did not pick up on multiples, but I did get to see the heartbeat... Next a poll...

Finding out

We found out on Sept. 15th that we were expecting a baby. I was only 4 weeks and 2 days when I tested positive. The only reason for even testing was because I was constantly throwing up everything in my system for a week and a half before that; I thought I had the flu. I couldn't have been more wrong and couldn't have been happier in being wrong. You see, we have wanted a baby since we married almost 4.4 years ago. I had my first Dr. appointment on Sept. 20th and the good Dr. confirmed that yes we were indeed expecting. I am considered high risk due to previous pregnancies that were not carried to term. So I have to be extremely careful and have to take it easy. I had another Dr. appointment on 9/25 at this app. I was sent to the hospital to determine if everything was looking good and to have an ultrasound. Everything looked good about the ultrasound... Ultrasound results in the next post.