I am at the end of my NINE WEEKS today

Defining Moments
The fetus looks more human now, with hands, feet, and the beginnings of fingers and toes becoming evident. The ear will gradually move up to a position level with the eye.
What else is taking Place this Week?
The embryo inside me gets a new name this week—the official designation is now fetus. And this fetus is looking less and less like a pink blob. The tail has disappeared and the body shape is now emerging, thanks in part to the elongation and straightening of the trunk area. My fetus measures about 1 inch long this week.
Growth spurt.
This is a critical period for arm and leg development. The legs have lengthened, and the buds that will eventually become the toes have started to sprout. Meanwhile, the arms have gotten longer and have begun to bend at the elbow. A basic hand structure is forming too, with the fingers and thumb clearly differentiated. The abdomen is developing as well: The structures that will be the liver, gallbladder, spleen, and adrenal gland are becoming specialized.
On the go.
This is the beginning of the dance period! Our little one has started moving vigorously, even in response to stimuli from outside my body, such as light and noise. But I won't be able to feel this action until well into my second trimester.
Tomorrow another appointment and maybe and ultrasound?!?!?!?
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