We just found out that we are expecting a baby. This blog is to allow or family and friends know how this pregnancy is going.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ultrasound Picture
This is our very first ultrasound done at 5 weeks and 6 days. Can you see the two little stars on the ultrasound picture... well that is where the "little blob" is located. The heartbeat was the most important thing for me to see that day. I want to thank God for all His amazing miracles.
Hi I'm Hannah and this started out as a pregnancy blog to keep people updated with our pregnancy (11 months since her birth) I have decided to add more to the blog but now about her life or at least my monthly journal to her. In my profile the picture is of the family when she was just 6 months old.
YES God is so great!! Congratulations! I'm sooo happy for you. *hugs*
Thanks so much and yes God is just awesome....
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