We have two greyhounds and a schnauzer. The oldest greyhound... 8 years 6 months had to be put down today. On Wednesday we noticed he wasn't as active but he is old too and moves slow anyway... Well yesterday he had a lump (hump is more like it) on his back, didn't eat or drink, and had no control over his hind legs... We took him to the emergency vet today at noon and put him down at 2... They x-rayed the hump on his back and it was a massively large and fast growing bone tumor... We had only one option ~ steroids... surgery was out of the question due to the fact that it was in spine and ribs on one side. The vet was honest with us and told us that steroids would only do so good for so long and then we still have to put him down... So we put him down... They gave me a plaster print of his paw... and we should have the remains (ashes) back in about a week. He is so without pain but we are hurting...
I'm so sorry to hear about Mykey! :( HUGS!
I picked up his ashes today... Brian is glad to have him "home" again.
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