Thursday, May 15, 2008

Some not so great news

I got a call from my Dr. today informing to please come in before Noon so that they could get my appointment in. I go in since they were shutting the office down at Noon due to the fact that he received three non scheduled emergency c-sections... Poor guy. I was supposed to be admitted tonight to the hospital at 7 PM and induced tomorrow. However, after the cervical check at 11:30 Abigail is head down but still to high up to induce without causing complications to me. So Abigail will be kicking me for a little while longer... Please come baby girl.... I do have another Appointment at 10 AM on Monday if she doesn't show her face by then. It is a day by day thing now... does anyone know of anygood ways to get Abigail to drop... LOL


Mamaof3 said...

Some people swear by squats! Ha! I so remember trying to find ANYTHING to help those babies come. I'll be praying!

~Hannah~ said...

Thanks I have been doing that... LOL I would walk 100 steps and then do 25 squats..another 100 steps and another 25.... I did a set of three each last night... Now I am just sore.