Thursday, April 23, 2009


I found out some thing today. I am at a loss of words on how to describe the information I found out. I will share later on; when I have had the time to process it myself.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

11 months old

Dear Abigail,

You are 11 months old. Just 31 days till your birthday. I am starting to get a little older as I see each passing month go by. Not to worry I am only 30 and I don’t feel even that old.

Well, on April 1, you started taking a step or two (very wobbly indeed). But now that you are 11 months old today you are walking with greater ease, although you still tumble from time to time but you are able to pick yourself back up and get into a standing position without any help.

Mama didn’t have any daycare kids today; so I was able to spend the day with just you. You did go into the playroom/your room and look around but no one was there. We played together and I took you to the park. I had fun just spending some alone time with you.

You look to be teething again, your top gums are swollen and you have had a few bad days here and there. They’ll be in soon enough I guess. You also, walked a total of 7 feet without falling down or holding on to anything. Awe baby girl… you will be running before we know it. You still crawl quite a bit since that is a faster mode of transportation still for you.

Life as thrown us some curve balls over the past couple of weeks, and the Lord is trying/testing our faith and trust in Him. Remember this baby girl. The Lord will never give you something you can’t handle, although you may feel like it is that way from time to time. Prayer and seeking His face can and will get you through some of your most difficult times in life.

Be still and know that I am God, said the Lord.

10 months old

Dear Abigail,

You are ten months old and I can’t help but wonder how you got so big so fast.

Your nine month appointment with the Dr. went well and you seemed to have even amazed him with some of the things you can do. You are 26.4 inches in length and you are 18.2 lbs. I am guessing you will weigh around 20-21 lbs by your birthday.

All of your crying was put to good use. You now have two top teeth, as well. You now have a nice set of chompers. You like for us to hold your hands so that you can see the world from an upright position. I think you will be walking by the time you are 11 months old.

This month you learned to say “mama” and “gie” for doggie; although you seem to use that word for other things too. You need to learn to say “papa” we don’t want him feeling left out.

Grandma, Nanna, and Aunt Johnna are helping your mama prepare for you first birthday party. It will be a strawberry shortcake theme. Just two months away; I can’t believe it baby girl.

Your aunt Bee will be getting married the week before your party. Things are kind of crazy in a good way with all that is going on. You will now have another uncle … Uncle Tim.

We love you baby and we only want what is best for you; sometimes I am wondering what my parenting skills are? I am wondering if I am too hard on you or not hard enough. I do love you though with all my heart.

You are the light and joy of our lives.

9 months old

Dear Abigail,

You are three quarters of the way to being a year old. My goodness how time flies.

You are cruising with greater ease and ability and you are a crawling bullet. I turn and you are gone… you just “fly” all over the place.

I think you are teething again… more drool, a little more crankiness and a few sleepless nights again seem to be the indication of your teething habits. You have a Dr.’s appointment in just a few days.

You know how to sign “doggie” and my do you love doggies… Now can I get you to sign papa and mama? You have also learned to wave bye-bye even if you do it when know one is leaving.

Your papa and mama are starting to leave you from time to time with a family member so that you get used to being around other people that are close to us and want to spend time with you. You seem to cry for the first 10-15 minutes after we leave and then you seem to settle in to the routine of someone else keeping you. Please know that we love and care about you and we will be returning for you. So try not to break our hearts by crying for us. We love you and we know that we are leaving you in good hands for the short time that we are away from you.

Mama has three – two year old boys in my care five days a week- you seem to have so much fun playing with them when they are here. I am glad to see this and glad to know you are not a wimpy little girl… they are boys and they seem to be a little rough in their play time with you.

I only ask that you try and understand that your papa and mama only want what is best in you life.

8 months old

Dear Abigail,

Another month has come and gone and I often wonder, “Where did all that time go?” We certainly cannot imagine life without you; you are the best thing that ever could have happened to us. We thank the Lord for you every day. I hope at some point and time the Lord will bless us with another bundle or two or three of joy. But having children are in His hands. The Bible says, “He gives us the desires of our heart,” and baby girl he gave us you. And in his timing and in his will he will decide if we should be made parents again.

Well, Rachael has gone back to California… and we had a blast while she was here. You and Rachael stayed with grandma one day so that mama could show Becky (Rachael’s mama) Greenville and it allowed us to do some shopping. We took them back to the airport in Atlanta on Jan 1st, and we went to the Georgia Aquarium first. That was a lot of fun even if I now you two little girls won’t remember it. We took pictures.

Well, your two bottom teeth are completely in … Awe they look so cute. This month you had to go to the pediatrician because you ran a high temperature and I wasn’t sure what was wrong. This was the first time for you to get sick. It turns out you had a double ear infection and that you had a slight touch of bronchitis. Dr. Hart put on some antibiotics. Ten days of that you and are as good as new, I am so glad you feel better.

Well, you are starting to cruise to - Walking by holding on to things. You are saying da –da, and I am waiting for you to say mama.

We are very humbled yet proud to be your papa and mama.

7 months old

Dear Abigail,

Well, this month marks the end of 2008 and the start of a brand new year is almost here. I can’t believe you are already 7 months old… more than half way to being a year old.

This month on the 18th your two bottom teeth cut through the gum… Oh what a painful experience for you to endure and papa and mama had to listen to it and feel bad for you and lose sleep over it too. But now that they are just through the gum line I can’t wait to see them… “No Biting” little girl.

Your cousin, Rachael Morgan, will be here in a few days to spend Christmas with us. She lives out in California with my brother, your uncle, Bob and her mom Becky. Rachael is 5 months older than you… Hopefully this time you two will be able to play together. She was here to visit when she was 7 months old and you were two months… not much you could do… Now she is a year old and you are 7 months.

You are still pulling yourself up to a standing position but you aren’t really doing anything new to speak of – other than being just as cute as you can be.

You are attached to you mother – me very strongly and have a difficult time going to anybody “new” even if you know them. I am hoping this all changes very shortly. I want you to feel comfortable around your families even if you don’t see them on a daily basis. They love you very much, baby girl.

I will write more next month… with much love to you… you are growing up so very quickly.

We love our baby girl and we want what is best for you.

6 months old (half way to being 1)

Dear Abigail,

Your half way to being a year old; Happy 6 months to you!!!! I can’t believe you are this old already.

What’s new?

Well, let’s see, just nine days after turning 5 months old you started crawling and you have stopped since. You seem to get faster and faster at it. I am always chasing you around the house. You are forever trying to get into things and put things in your mouth.
Then just at 5.5 months you started to hold on to something a little taller than you and pull yourself into a standing position. You’re still very shaky in the department, but I am pretty sure it won’t be long. You will stand for a short amount of time and then plop down on you bottom, and sometimes you will hit your little head. You cry and I or papa comfort you and then you are back to doing your thing.
I was going to wait till you reached exactly six months old before trying any solids on you. Well, I fudged and started you on it 4 days ago. You still use nursing as your primary source of food. However, in the evening you will get about 2 ounces of veggies, (so far green beans) and a little rice cereal. You seem to gobble that right on down. I am glad you like you veggies. We will try something new today.

Next week (Friday) you will go in for your six month check-up. I feel bad for you as this is the day after THANKSGIVING. Your Aunt Bea’s birthday is on Thanksgiving Day.

Abbi, your life is in front of you. Be all that you can be, and never let anyone tell you that you can’t. For it just isn’t true; all you have to do is say I want to be__________ or I want to do___________ and then you just set you mind, heart and soul to do it and you will and nothing will stand in your way.
Happy ½ a year old, you are so precious!

5 months old

Dear Abigail,

Five months old, where as the time gone? I wonder that as I sit watching you playing on the floor, giggling at nothing particular. I wonder, “What is my baby thinking or feeling at this moment?” How I wish I could be you for a day or even a week.

You’re getting so good at moving around. You get up on your hands and knees (not crawling yet) but when you are on all fours you rock back and forth. It is such a sight to see. I laugh knowing you are so smart and so beautiful and that it won’t be long at all before you accomplish yet another milestone in you little life. You can actually move backwards but you haven’t got the hang of moving forward.

Still working with you on IPT (Infant potty training) some days I slack off – shame on me.

I am getting a little better with our conversations which will be much needed when you get a little older and start asking questions. I just pray that I am not too shy about answering them for you.

Papa and mama love you very much and you mean the world to us little girl. You can not even begin to imagine how much you have changed our lives in this very short time you have been here upon this earth. I try to take as many pictures as possible. This is your life and I want you to know what it was like. While every picture is precious and adorable we do have a few favorites of you doing something to make us smile or even laugh with you.

We, (your parents), have learned to live more within the moment and to control what we can and let the rest be in God’s Hands. I still marvel at the fact that He gave us you.

Live today as though it were your last day on this earth.

4 months old

Dear Abigail,

You are now four months old and growing like a weed. Not much has changed this month except you are getting better at all then things you could already do. Scooting pro, you talk/babble a lot more and you actually are having a conversation with those around you even if we don’t have a clue what you are saying – even though we act like we do know. You are starting to laugh too. It is so cute.

Something new that I am going to work on is Elimination Communication. This is where I read your body language to know when you have to use the bathroom and we work together on Infant Potty Training. I wish I had found out earlier, but as the saying goes, “Better Late than Never.”

Here are some things I want you to know:
· Success isn’t measured by the money you have.
· Life is what you make of it. Choose to be happy.
· Forgiveness is essential in life.
· You may not always be popular – it is Okay.
· Education is important-Study Hard and Do Well.
· Make friends. A few good ones to last you a lifetime.
· Sex is for marriage – so wait; it is so worth it.
· Parents make mistakes and so will you.
· Read and then read some more. This is how you learn.
· Children are a gift from God –write carefully on them- it is for life.
· You may think you know more than you parents; I did to at one point, but I am still learning from them.
· Read your Bible and pray daily.
· Know that your parents are always here for you.

Abigail, you are the sunshine of our lives.

3 months old

Dear Abigail,

Three months old. Wow!!!! So much behind you and your life still ahead of you; how time FLIES~~~~

You are doing so much more this month. You are moving around lots more. I have got to keep a closer eye or two on you. You have learned to roll from one side to the other. You still scoot a lot by digging your toes into the surface of whatever you are laying on and propel yourself forward. I bet you just keep thinking that if your hands and arms could get the hang of what your feet are doing you would be all over the place. Patience my dear, it won’t be long. Don’t grow up too fast.

I have packed all of your newborn clothes away and also your 0-3 month clothing. And pulled out all the 3 month and 3-6 month clothing; I cried as I did this because the little clothes just reminded me of how fast you are growing up.

Abigail, we still have our daily conversations - first thing in the morning. I look forward to this time. You are beginning to look more directly at me and look into my eyes and focus on me when I am talking to you.

Your life is a clean slate, Abigail and your parents are writing daily upon it. I am sure there will be times we fail and stumble as parents, but please know that we are doing the best that we can. I don’t want to fail and it pains me to think that we will, but try and understand – we have never been parents before. We are learning what works and what doesn’t.

Your father loves you and is so very happy you are in our lives. Abigail, be sure to respect him and love him. I want you to know that he has your best interests at heart – we both do. You may not always agree with your parents on everything is Okay- but still honor us.
We love you and want what is best for you.

2 months old

Dear Abigail,

Well, you are two months old and getting more of your own personality everyday. Here are a few more things about you and what took place this month.

I am going back to our conversations, Abigail. I hope that you and I have a mother – daughter relationship where we can discuss anything and everything. I want you to feel free in your heart to be open with your mama. I know you will do things that disappoint me or do things that I will not always approve of. But be honest with me, be close and open with me.

Your personality is shining through. You are a happy and so far well rounded baby. You are scooting around and are babbling a lot more. Mama even thinks you are a genius. Well, what parent doesn’t feel that way? I still look at you with wonder in my heart – why was God so giving to us? I have a healthy daughter who is full of life and joy. Your little smiles say it all. I often wonder what you are thinking in your little brain because your face is full of expressions. I stare at you while you sleep. They say a mom should sleep when her baby does. How can I? I am afraid I will miss a grunt or a smile as you sleep.

Baby Girl… your parents are Catholic Christians. This is our faith, and you were baptized this month. It was a beautiful thing. I want you to know that we want you to grow up and be faithful to God and to love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul. Read the Bible and research it, Honor the Lord and your life will be blessed.

Your getting big so fast and time flies right on by. I am already starting to miss the little you – the baby.
Be good little girl, and always remember that we love you with all our hearts!!

1 month old

Dear Abigail,

Wow one month has already gone by, but were did it go? It seems just like a week ago I was going weekly to my Dr. Appointments and then a day or so ago that I gave birth. But here you are – a growing baby in our arms.

I never could have imagined that a baby – you could melt my heart and turn me into the biggest crybaby. I sit and look at you and still cry, but I am not sad – I am joyous and completely overwhelmed by the way you look. You are so wrinkly but in a cute kind of way. You are already growing up so very fast.

I know as your mama that one day you will grow up and move away. I never understood my mom when she said that it was hard on her- now I do. I don’t even want to think about it, but it will happen.

I have daily conversations with you about things that are important to me. I think these conversations are building my own confidence so when you get a little older and will know what I am saying and you will be able to ask question. I enjoy this “conversation” time- even though I am the only one talking- it is a real bonding experience and time for me. “We” talk about our faith, how education is important, your moving away one day and starting your own family and of course about sex and abstinence and how important it is to remain pure.

Abigail, you are not a formula fed baby you are a breastfeed- it is wonderful and so important to me that you get the best food possible- consider this when you have your child. Not always easy or comfortable in the beginning but well worth it in the end- it is a learning time for both mother and child. It is one of the many things I enjoy about our relationship.
With much love and prayer,
Love Mama.

Your Birth May 21st

Dear Abigail,

The day before you were born your mama walked 4 miles and drank 4 oz. of Castor oil. I am not sure that it did any good. But I was ready to meet you more than you will ever know.

At 3:04 AM on May 21st, I thought my water broke… (My mistake)- I only peed myself- how embarrassing. But I waited to 5 AM to call the Dr. – I already had the car ready to go. You see your parents were waiting for you –waiting to give you all this love we had bottled up for you over the last 9 months. Dr. Rivera tells us to be at the Hospital at 7AM and not to get there at break neck speed. We had plenty of time to spare; the hospital was only 20 minutes away. I was tired of being at home so we left and went to Wal-mart and got a few things. I walked around the store to get in some more walking and to kill time. We get to the hospital and they check your mama again. I about cried when I found out that you were still too high and had not dropped and that I was still only dilated to 1cm after walking for 4 miles. What more could I do I was tired of waiting and it was your due date? I did get some good news when they said the contractions were 2-5 minutes apart and that they would go ahead and admit me… You were going to be born. I was happy, happier than you’ll ever know. Well… for the rest of the story

The rest of the story went like this. I was in labor for the next 14 hours and 8 minutes. My contractions were all over the chart. They gave me lots of pitocin to try and induce labor- you were still so high. At 4:15 that afternoon I received an epidural… This helped me get through the pain-all WORTH it for the next 4 hours and 10 minutes (before I started pushing) your mama started pushing at 8:25 and you were born at 9:08 –the first three pushes brought you into the birth canal.

Your mama held you and cried; you were the most beautiful baby girl on earth. Why did I deserve you? God was and still is gracious.


Dear Abigail,

I found out on September 15th, 2007 that I was pregnant with a baby-this baby was you sweetheart. Words couldn’t even describe how your papa and I felt. We were happy and prayerful and very cautious as well. (You see you were not the first time we were pregnant).

My Dr. during this time of your little bitty life was Dr. Michael Rivera. He was really great with me and you and so were the nurses.

Baby girl- January 18th, 2oo8; this is when we found out that we were going to have a baby girl. We were overjoyed and full of gratitude. (Papa “knew” all along that you were a girl)-me; I just wanted a healthy baby.

Abigail, my pregnancy wasn’t the easiest, but listen up and listen good. You were worth every meal lost, every bit of blood drawn, every iron shot given. You were worth every night I prayed and listened to your heartbeat, every minute of sleep that I lost, and every pin prick into my finger. You were worth every kick no matter when it happened. You were worth every stretch mark and every bruised look on my behind (these were the iron shots-4 of them) Still there after many months. And every visit to the Dr. and there were lots of them, and every mood swing. You were worth the sardines, and liver I ate, the many iron pills I took. You were worth the numbness in my hands and the swelling in my feet.

I was asked at times when it was rough on me would I do it again. – You bet. Each time I said I would go through everything ten times over just to be were I was at that point in my pregnancy.
You were worth it ALL and MORE.
Dear Abigail,

I found out on September 15th, 2007 that I was pregnant with a baby-this baby was you sweetheart. Words couldn’t even describe how your papa and I felt. We were happy and prayerful and very cautious as well. (You see you were not the first time we were pregnant).

My Dr. during this time of your little bitty life was Dr. Michael Rivera. He was really great with me and you and so were the nurses.

Baby girl- January 18th, 2oo8; this is when we found out that we were going to have a baby girl. We were overjoyed and full of gratitude. (Papa “knew” all along that you were a girl)-me; I just wanted a healthy baby.

Abigail, my pregnancy wasn’t the easiest, but listen up and listen good. You were worth every meal lost, every bit of blood drawn, every iron shot given. You were worth every night I prayed and listened to your heartbeat, every minute of sleep that I lost, and every pin prick into my finger. You were worth every kick no matter when it happened. You were worth every stretch mark and every bruised look on my behind (these were the iron shots-4 of them) Still there after many months. And every visit to the Dr. and there were lots of them, and every mood swing. You were worth the sardines, and liver I ate, the many iron pills I took. You were worth the numbness in my hands and the swelling in my feet.

I was asked at times when it was rough on me would I do it again. – You bet. Each time I said I would go through everything ten times over just to be were I was at that point in my pregnancy.

You were worth it ALL and MORE.

It been 11 months since Abigail's birth

My am I bad or what... 11 months and no posting. I have done many other things in the way of keeping things written down for my daughter, but I think I will post them here. Give me a little bit of time.

You see, I have a "typed" journal for my daughter ~ each month on the date of her birth I write to her; letting her know what she has accomplished, what we want for her as parents and more. I will post one a day for the next 11 days as not to bombard those reading this blog.