Wednesday, April 22, 2009

8 months old

Dear Abigail,

Another month has come and gone and I often wonder, “Where did all that time go?” We certainly cannot imagine life without you; you are the best thing that ever could have happened to us. We thank the Lord for you every day. I hope at some point and time the Lord will bless us with another bundle or two or three of joy. But having children are in His hands. The Bible says, “He gives us the desires of our heart,” and baby girl he gave us you. And in his timing and in his will he will decide if we should be made parents again.

Well, Rachael has gone back to California… and we had a blast while she was here. You and Rachael stayed with grandma one day so that mama could show Becky (Rachael’s mama) Greenville and it allowed us to do some shopping. We took them back to the airport in Atlanta on Jan 1st, and we went to the Georgia Aquarium first. That was a lot of fun even if I now you two little girls won’t remember it. We took pictures.

Well, your two bottom teeth are completely in … Awe they look so cute. This month you had to go to the pediatrician because you ran a high temperature and I wasn’t sure what was wrong. This was the first time for you to get sick. It turns out you had a double ear infection and that you had a slight touch of bronchitis. Dr. Hart put on some antibiotics. Ten days of that you and are as good as new, I am so glad you feel better.

Well, you are starting to cruise to - Walking by holding on to things. You are saying da –da, and I am waiting for you to say mama.

We are very humbled yet proud to be your papa and mama.

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