Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Well, Brian put the crib together on Wednesday and the changing table today... They both look very well made and were not difficult to put together either.. (and I couldn't be of really any help), because it is a "man" thing to want to put together your child's furniture. Brian wanted to make sure that it was put together and was done right so that it would be safe and sturdy for our daughter. I love this man, my husband and soon to be father of our child. Neither of us can hardly wait. We have found our Pediatrician and will see him April 21st, at 8 AM. We have heard nothing but good about him... so here's to hoping that we like him too.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Catch up time
I was just so tired to get back on the computer after my second appointment yesterday... well it just didn't happen.
I had an appointment with my OB @ 3:30 PM.. this went well overall. My iron level was up to 9.0 still not good but hey better. That is about all I can work for at this point. I will have to take another iron shot next Tuesday... (I look like a pin cushion at this point) what is one more stick to my body? I gained one pound. So a ten pound gain during this pregnancy. Dr. says gaining a pound a week is normal at this point and that 1/2 lb goes to the baby each week (YIKES) she already weighs about 4 lbs and I have 8 weeks to go... well that is technically another 8 lbs gained with 4 going to the baby... An 8# baby... Way to make mama stress Abigail. (I am not hoping for a c-section at this point. Guess I better step up my walking which is an accomplishment in itself at this point. (it hurts to walk). I do want to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts and well wishes. It means a lot to Brian and I to know that we have a "world" of family, friends, co-workers, and even people we have never met to know they are wanting the best for us.
I had an appointment with my OB @ 3:30 PM.. this went well overall. My iron level was up to 9.0 still not good but hey better. That is about all I can work for at this point. I will have to take another iron shot next Tuesday... (I look like a pin cushion at this point) what is one more stick to my body? I gained one pound. So a ten pound gain during this pregnancy. Dr. says gaining a pound a week is normal at this point and that 1/2 lb goes to the baby each week (YIKES) she already weighs about 4 lbs and I have 8 weeks to go... well that is technically another 8 lbs gained with 4 going to the baby... An 8# baby... Way to make mama stress Abigail. (I am not hoping for a c-section at this point. Guess I better step up my walking which is an accomplishment in itself at this point. (it hurts to walk). I do want to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts and well wishes. It means a lot to Brian and I to know that we have a "world" of family, friends, co-workers, and even people we have never met to know they are wanting the best for us.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
3D ultrasound Appointment
Monday, March 24, 2008
Coming up... (tomorrow)
Tomorrow 3/25 at 9 AM I will go back to have a retake on the 3D ultrasound. Anyone who would like to see a live take of it please let me know... I will send you the user name and password. I will let you know ahead of time. I have no idea how this appointment will turn out; she wasn't very co-operative at the last one so that is why they decided to do a retake. Also it will cost you $12.95 to be able to view it, but you can view it when ever you want after the first time with no re-occurring cost to you. (you don't have to be available to view it at 9 AM tomorrow either).
At 3:30 PM I go in for another Dr's appointment and another non stress test for the baby. These non stress tests will be done weekly at this point. I guess we will see if there was any weight gain (I am sure that there is at least some) - even with me being sick all week; and they will check my iron levels tomorrow.
Brian is on spring break ... and he as offered to pick up the daycare kids so that I can sleep in a little bit. I love him so much. Being sick (cold) I think and having a headache for about 4 days straight that I can't seem to get rid of--- I am very grateful to him. By the way.... he is so sure that this baby is ready to come now to meet him... must be a daddy thing. Moms get to carry the baby and dads don't have much to do in the day to day operations of that aspect of pregnancy -so being this close to the finish line he is very ready for her to be here.
Oh and tonight we have our 4th out of five prenatal classes.... tonight topic... c-sections and epidurals. OH boy... let's see if we have the stomach for that.
At 3:30 PM I go in for another Dr's appointment and another non stress test for the baby. These non stress tests will be done weekly at this point. I guess we will see if there was any weight gain (I am sure that there is at least some) - even with me being sick all week; and they will check my iron levels tomorrow.
Brian is on spring break ... and he as offered to pick up the daycare kids so that I can sleep in a little bit. I love him so much. Being sick (cold) I think and having a headache for about 4 days straight that I can't seem to get rid of--- I am very grateful to him. By the way.... he is so sure that this baby is ready to come now to meet him... must be a daddy thing. Moms get to carry the baby and dads don't have much to do in the day to day operations of that aspect of pregnancy -so being this close to the finish line he is very ready for her to be here.
Oh and tonight we have our 4th out of five prenatal classes.... tonight topic... c-sections and epidurals. OH boy... let's see if we have the stomach for that.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
I was asked ...
... about gift certificates. I guess I really never thought of gift certificates to use. But here are some options. They make the Visa/MasterCard gift cards... These are used as a credit card. You tell them how much you want to put on there, and then it is something we use anywhere Visa or MasterCard is taken. There are other ways for gift certificates too .... of course at any of the places we are registered and then there is another place, as well. has some things we can really use but they didn't have a registry for me to set up there. The main thing I would get there is the cloth diapers has we are wanting to cloth diaper our baby girl.
Changing Table
Friday, March 14, 2008
30 Weeks and 2 days Picture

Yes, I know that I am getting "big" no need for anyone to tell me. LOL I am 2 days into week 31...How much longer do I have? Other than not getting sleep, having to pee 50 times a day, heartburn, iron being low, and maybe anything else that could possibly be a negative in this case ... I would gladly go through it all again (yes even all the needles and lab work done) just to be where I am today. I thank God daily for this little life - our daughter growing inside of me. Her kicks are something else. I think back to when we first found out and it seems like it wasn't that long ago. And it will soon be where did all the years go ~ as she grows up so quickly. I plan on taking lots of pictures, telling lots of stories and remembering everything. I am eternally grateful for this soon to be blessing in our lives. Abigail, we are waiting for you to arrive ~ so many family and friends are too.
Yes, But when you take your own picture is is a little harder to smile.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Co-Sleeper- recieved
70 Days left/10 Weeks/2.5 months
... no I don't know the hours and minutes yet. Abigail Chrystalynn will be here before we know it. Let's just hope that I have everything ready. LOL I have a baby shower on April 5th and on April 20th. With what we have already recieved. (many baby clothes) crib, mattress, co-sleeper, moby wrap, Travel Stoller System, cradle (from when I was a baby).. I still have a high chair that is an antique that needs to be refinished. Got to get that done!!! I am feeling pretty confident that between the two showers I hope that it will almost finish up what is still needed. (Main thing... Clothe diapers) crib bedding and a few other needed items. Other than that we are pretty much all set. I can't believe how our friends, family members and even my daycare parents have come together for us. I think everyone has wanted a baby for as long as we have been married. My dad makes comments.. "I can't wait till my baby is here" LOL I have to remind him it is our baby~ his grandbaby... I just know that he is so excited. He is a saddened by the fact that is first grandaughter is 3000 miles away in CA. Hopefully my brother and Becky will move here soon. I do know that they are planning on coming out to see us this summer ~ maybe late summer.... I can't wait; if they come sooner that will be even better. (just after Abigail is born) so that the cousins can have some pictures taken together.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My appointment went well. Another iron and betamethasone shot today. Had to pre-register with with AnMed Health Campus for Labor and Delivery. My iron was up to 9.3 today. YEAH!!! I go in for my first NST (done weekly) starting next Tues... @ 3:45. My GBS swab came back negative. So hopefully things are starting to look up a little bit. Thank you to everyone who is praying and has us in their thoughts as we still have some time left before the baby is born. And it won't be long.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Today's appointment and class
Well, since last Tuesday I lost a lb. my iron went up from 8.3 to 9.1 (before the iron shot) But I kinda fudge on my iron intake (shhh) don't tell anyone. LOL Not to worry I told the Dr. I was supposed to be taking 2 a day and I have been taking 2 but every other day I took 3. I just made sure I got plenty of fiber foods to go with it. TEN weeks and TWO days till the due date. Not that I am counting or anything. I took an iron shot in the right butt cheek and a betamethasone shot in the left. I go back tomorrow for another iron shot and another betamethasone shot. I swear my body looks like that of a druggie. I up to this point would have considered myself to have needle phobia... I am beginning to wonder what that is. While I do not want an epidural, I jokingly told the nurse today that I thought I could handle a needle that big... Prenatal class went well ~ we have three more classes to go. I will also be going to a Breastfeeding class on 3/20 this is in addition to the other three classes still required.. Brian is glad that this is one class that isn't required of him ... I thought we were going to need smelling salts for him tonight. They showed three childbirth movie clips... Natural, with pain meds via IV and an Epidural.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Crib...Thank you Bob & Becky

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Well this is Abigail

.. or what you can see of her. She absolutely didn't want her pictures being taken so much so that they are going to let me come in again on 3/25/08 for another session at no charge. What you see here is two feet in front of her face covering up her eyes with the nose in between. We saw a lot of her ears and arm... LOL oh well we will try again in two weeks.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Ultrasound 3D

While this is not Abigail's 3D .... I will put hers up. A big Thank You to Johnna and Edward F. for contributing to a 3D ultrasound which we otherwise would not have done due to cost. At 4 PM on 3/8 we go in for an ultrasound... We are both so excited.
This is what we will recieve in the ultrasound package tomorrow:
• Complete 30+ minute Ultrasound Session
• DVD video of your ultrasound including: 2D, 3D & 4D segments (as appropriate), set to music
• 4 Black and White 4x4 “thermal” images
• Sex Determination* (Upon request)
• 4 colorized portraits of your baby/babies.
• CD with 15-30 high-resolution 3D still images suitable for printing and emailing to family and friends.
• One year FREE access to BabyPeeks™, a customized online Baby Website. Everything you need to share your pregnancy experience with friends and family online! ($49.95 value)I will post some of the ultrasound pics as soon as we get them.
Moby Wrap
Happenings on 3/10 and 3/11
On 3/10 I go in at 10:15 AM for my first iron shot and my first Betamethasone shot (this shot is to develope Abigail's lungs) Brian and I also have our second of five prenatal classes Monday from 6:30 to 8:30
On 3/11 I go in at 2:30 PM for my second Betamethasone shot. (I am guessing I only have two of these). They will also set me up for my weekly Non Stress Test... What is this you are asking? well here is what a NST includes.
What is a nonstress test?
This simple, painless procedure is done during pregnancy to evaluate your baby's condition. During the test, your healthcare practitioner or a technician monitors your baby's heartbeat, first while the baby is resting and then while he's moving. Just as your heart beats faster when you're active, your baby's heart rate should go up while he's moving or kicking.The test is typically done if you've gone past your due date, or in the month leading up to your due date if you're having a high-risk pregnancy. Here are some reasons you might have a nonstress test:
• You have diabetes that's treated with insulin, high blood pressure, or some other medical condition that could affect your pregnancy.
• You have gestational hypertension.
• Your baby appears to be small or not growing properly.
• Your baby is less active than normal.
• You have too much or too little amniotic fluid.
• You've had a procedure such as an external cephalic version (to turn a breech baby) or third trimester amniocentesis (to determine whether your baby's lungs are mature enough for birth or to rule out a uterine infection). Afterward, your practitioner will order a nonstress test to make sure that your baby's doing well.
• You're past your due date and your practitioner wants to see how your baby is holding up during his extended stay in the womb.
• You've previously lost a baby in the second half of pregnancy, for an unknown reason or because of a problem that might happen again in this pregnancy. In this case, nonstress testing may start as early as 28 weeks. (Mine is starting at 30 Weeks)
What's the procedure like?
You may be advised to eat a meal just before the test in the hope that eating will stimulate your baby to move around more. Although there's no hard evidence that this works, it can't hurt. It's also a good idea to use the bathroom before the test, because you'll be lying strapped to a monitor for up to an hour.During the procedure, you lie on your left side, possibly with a wedge under your back that allows you to lean back. A technician straps two devices to your belly: One monitors your baby's heartbeat and movement; the other records contractions in your uterus. The technician listens to and watches your baby's heartbeat on an electronic screen while your contractions are recorded on paper.If your baby's not moving, he could be asleep. You might be asked to drink some water, juice, or soda to get him going, or the technician may nudge him gently through your abdomen or try to wake him with a buzzer. In some cases, you'll be asked to press a button when you feel the baby move. The test usually takes 20 to 60 minutes.
What do the results mean? If your baby's heart beats faster (at least 15 beats per minute over his resting rate) while he's moving for at least 15 seconds on two separate occasions during a 20-minute span, the result is normal, or "reactive." A normal result means that your baby is probably doing fine for now. Your practitioner may want to repeat the test every week (or more often) until your baby's born.If your baby's heart doesn't beat faster while he's moving or your baby doesn't move after about 90 minutes, the result is "nonreactive." A nonreactive result doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. It just means that the test didn't provide enough information and you may need to take it again in an hour or take other tests such as a biophysical profile or contraction stress test.However, a nonreactive result could indicate that your baby isn't getting enough oxygen or that there are problems with the placenta. If your practitioner thinks that your baby's no longer doing well in the womb, she'll probably decide to induce labor.
Why does the test measure contractions, and why would I be having them?
For several reasons. First, you may or may not be having contractions at this point in your pregnancy. If you are, they could be Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are usually mild, irregular, and sporadic. These are harmless and common during the third trimester. But if you're less than 37 weeks pregnant and you're having continuous, repetitive, regular contractions, it could be a sign of preterm labor, and your practitioner will want to evaluate your cervix to see if it's dilated.Another reason to monitor contractions is to see whether your baby's heart rate changes when you're having them. That's what's measured during a contraction stress test. If the heart rate drops during a contraction, it may be a sign that that there's a problem with your placenta and that your baby's oxygen supply is compromised.
On 3/11 I go in at 2:30 PM for my second Betamethasone shot. (I am guessing I only have two of these). They will also set me up for my weekly Non Stress Test... What is this you are asking? well here is what a NST includes.
What is a nonstress test?
This simple, painless procedure is done during pregnancy to evaluate your baby's condition. During the test, your healthcare practitioner or a technician monitors your baby's heartbeat, first while the baby is resting and then while he's moving. Just as your heart beats faster when you're active, your baby's heart rate should go up while he's moving or kicking.The test is typically done if you've gone past your due date, or in the month leading up to your due date if you're having a high-risk pregnancy. Here are some reasons you might have a nonstress test:
• You have diabetes that's treated with insulin, high blood pressure, or some other medical condition that could affect your pregnancy.
• You have gestational hypertension.
• Your baby appears to be small or not growing properly.
• Your baby is less active than normal.
• You have too much or too little amniotic fluid.
• You've had a procedure such as an external cephalic version (to turn a breech baby) or third trimester amniocentesis (to determine whether your baby's lungs are mature enough for birth or to rule out a uterine infection). Afterward, your practitioner will order a nonstress test to make sure that your baby's doing well.
• You're past your due date and your practitioner wants to see how your baby is holding up during his extended stay in the womb.
• You've previously lost a baby in the second half of pregnancy, for an unknown reason or because of a problem that might happen again in this pregnancy. In this case, nonstress testing may start as early as 28 weeks. (Mine is starting at 30 Weeks)
What's the procedure like?
You may be advised to eat a meal just before the test in the hope that eating will stimulate your baby to move around more. Although there's no hard evidence that this works, it can't hurt. It's also a good idea to use the bathroom before the test, because you'll be lying strapped to a monitor for up to an hour.During the procedure, you lie on your left side, possibly with a wedge under your back that allows you to lean back. A technician straps two devices to your belly: One monitors your baby's heartbeat and movement; the other records contractions in your uterus. The technician listens to and watches your baby's heartbeat on an electronic screen while your contractions are recorded on paper.If your baby's not moving, he could be asleep. You might be asked to drink some water, juice, or soda to get him going, or the technician may nudge him gently through your abdomen or try to wake him with a buzzer. In some cases, you'll be asked to press a button when you feel the baby move. The test usually takes 20 to 60 minutes.
What do the results mean? If your baby's heart beats faster (at least 15 beats per minute over his resting rate) while he's moving for at least 15 seconds on two separate occasions during a 20-minute span, the result is normal, or "reactive." A normal result means that your baby is probably doing fine for now. Your practitioner may want to repeat the test every week (or more often) until your baby's born.If your baby's heart doesn't beat faster while he's moving or your baby doesn't move after about 90 minutes, the result is "nonreactive." A nonreactive result doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong. It just means that the test didn't provide enough information and you may need to take it again in an hour or take other tests such as a biophysical profile or contraction stress test.However, a nonreactive result could indicate that your baby isn't getting enough oxygen or that there are problems with the placenta. If your practitioner thinks that your baby's no longer doing well in the womb, she'll probably decide to induce labor.
Why does the test measure contractions, and why would I be having them?
For several reasons. First, you may or may not be having contractions at this point in your pregnancy. If you are, they could be Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are usually mild, irregular, and sporadic. These are harmless and common during the third trimester. But if you're less than 37 weeks pregnant and you're having continuous, repetitive, regular contractions, it could be a sign of preterm labor, and your practitioner will want to evaluate your cervix to see if it's dilated.Another reason to monitor contractions is to see whether your baby's heart rate changes when you're having them. That's what's measured during a contraction stress test. If the heart rate drops during a contraction, it may be a sign that that there's a problem with your placenta and that your baby's oxygen supply is compromised.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
OK I had the glucose test on Friday... It was a tad bit high... 124 should have been under 120, but the Dr. was not too worried about that. There were other things to worry about. I gained 7 lbs (no worry here) I had lost 12.... got those back and gained 7 more..... but that has all happened since about week 19 with the first 12... that I lost. Mi iron level was at 9.6 at the last appointment and it was 8.3 at this one. I went in after the appointment to the Hospital's lab for more blood work relating to my iron. Dr. Rivera really isn't happy to see that I have continued to drop. I go in on Monday morning and Tues afternoon to receive iron shots both days. He is concerned with the following things:
My previous six miscarriages,
Fertility issues
My endometerosis and laperoscopies
(this pregnancy)= HIGH RISK on the above factors and the factors below
My low level and continuously dropping iron levels
My low progesterone in the beginning that had to be taken to "help carry" the baby past the 12 weeks.
I will be starting in two weeks (if I understood him correctly) weekly NST and weekly pelvic exams. He is concerned with the placenta not doing it's job for the full nine months; based on all the above reasons. He will be ordering the steroids to give the baby to mature the lungs if the NST looks off and it looks like the placenta is not going to hold out. He isn't big on C- sections... glad to hear that but said a healthy baby if taken early was the goal. If It looks like through the NST(provided they come back good) and the increase of iron the baby will go full term otherwise he is looking and telling us to be prepared to have the baby taken between 35-37 weeks. I totally agree that I want a healthy baby above all out of this pregnancy even if I am scared to death of any potential problems. I would ask that everyone here be in prayer for Brian and I as we may - and I hope not, but for any issues or problems that may be encountered over the next 4-6 weeks. I have 11 weeks left if the baby were to be on time, but we are aware that Abigail may have to be delivered early if that is the best outcome for her.--
My previous six miscarriages,
Fertility issues
My endometerosis and laperoscopies
(this pregnancy)= HIGH RISK on the above factors and the factors below
My low level and continuously dropping iron levels
My low progesterone in the beginning that had to be taken to "help carry" the baby past the 12 weeks.
I will be starting in two weeks (if I understood him correctly) weekly NST and weekly pelvic exams. He is concerned with the placenta not doing it's job for the full nine months; based on all the above reasons. He will be ordering the steroids to give the baby to mature the lungs if the NST looks off and it looks like the placenta is not going to hold out. He isn't big on C- sections... glad to hear that but said a healthy baby if taken early was the goal. If It looks like through the NST(provided they come back good) and the increase of iron the baby will go full term otherwise he is looking and telling us to be prepared to have the baby taken between 35-37 weeks. I totally agree that I want a healthy baby above all out of this pregnancy even if I am scared to death of any potential problems. I would ask that everyone here be in prayer for Brian and I as we may - and I hope not, but for any issues or problems that may be encountered over the next 4-6 weeks. I have 11 weeks left if the baby were to be on time, but we are aware that Abigail may have to be delivered early if that is the best outcome for her.--
28 Weeks and 6 days.... or ending week 29
Abigail now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is growing bigger to make room for the developing brain. To meet her increasing nutritional demands, I'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because her bones are soaking up lots of calcium, I need to be sure to drink my milk (or find other good sources of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in Abigail's hardening skeleton each day.
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