Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Catch up time

I was just so tired to get back on the computer after my second appointment yesterday... well it just didn't happen.

I had an appointment with my OB @ 3:30 PM.. this went well overall. My iron level was up to 9.0 still not good but hey better. That is about all I can work for at this point. I will have to take another iron shot next Tuesday... (I look like a pin cushion at this point) what is one more stick to my body? I gained one pound. So a ten pound gain during this pregnancy. Dr. says gaining a pound a week is normal at this point and that 1/2 lb goes to the baby each week (YIKES) she already weighs about 4 lbs and I have 8 weeks to go... well that is technically another 8 lbs gained with 4 going to the baby... An 8# baby... Way to make mama stress Abigail. (I am not hoping for a c-section at this point. Guess I better step up my walking which is an accomplishment in itself at this point. (it hurts to walk). I do want to thank everyone for their prayers, thoughts and well wishes. It means a lot to Brian and I to know that we have a "world" of family, friends, co-workers, and even people we have never met to know they are wanting the best for us.

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