Monday, March 24, 2008

Coming up... (tomorrow)

Tomorrow 3/25 at 9 AM I will go back to have a retake on the 3D ultrasound. Anyone who would like to see a live take of it please let me know... I will send you the user name and password. I will let you know ahead of time. I have no idea how this appointment will turn out; she wasn't very co-operative at the last one so that is why they decided to do a retake. Also it will cost you $12.95 to be able to view it, but you can view it when ever you want after the first time with no re-occurring cost to you. (you don't have to be available to view it at 9 AM tomorrow either).

At 3:30 PM I go in for another Dr's appointment and another non stress test for the baby. These non stress tests will be done weekly at this point. I guess we will see if there was any weight gain (I am sure that there is at least some) - even with me being sick all week; and they will check my iron levels tomorrow.

Brian is on spring break ... and he as offered to pick up the daycare kids so that I can sleep in a little bit. I love him so much. Being sick (cold) I think and having a headache for about 4 days straight that I can't seem to get rid of--- I am very grateful to him. By the way.... he is so sure that this baby is ready to come now to meet him... must be a daddy thing. Moms get to carry the baby and dads don't have much to do in the day to day operations of that aspect of pregnancy -so being this close to the finish line he is very ready for her to be here.

Oh and tonight we have our 4th out of five prenatal classes.... tonight topic... c-sections and epidurals. OH boy... let's see if we have the stomach for that.

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