Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 months old

Dear Abigail,

Five months old, where as the time gone? I wonder that as I sit watching you playing on the floor, giggling at nothing particular. I wonder, “What is my baby thinking or feeling at this moment?” How I wish I could be you for a day or even a week.

You’re getting so good at moving around. You get up on your hands and knees (not crawling yet) but when you are on all fours you rock back and forth. It is such a sight to see. I laugh knowing you are so smart and so beautiful and that it won’t be long at all before you accomplish yet another milestone in you little life. You can actually move backwards but you haven’t got the hang of moving forward.

Still working with you on IPT (Infant potty training) some days I slack off – shame on me.

I am getting a little better with our conversations which will be much needed when you get a little older and start asking questions. I just pray that I am not too shy about answering them for you.

Papa and mama love you very much and you mean the world to us little girl. You can not even begin to imagine how much you have changed our lives in this very short time you have been here upon this earth. I try to take as many pictures as possible. This is your life and I want you to know what it was like. While every picture is precious and adorable we do have a few favorites of you doing something to make us smile or even laugh with you.

We, (your parents), have learned to live more within the moment and to control what we can and let the rest be in God’s Hands. I still marvel at the fact that He gave us you.

Live today as though it were your last day on this earth.

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