Monday, April 14, 2008

A new week

Well, it is the start of a new week, and I bet you wonder what I am up too... LOL not a whole lot just yet. I need to get the nursery put together and I and waiting on my clothes hangers to come in ... (all 80 of them) I am sure that I will need more... LOL Abigail's crib is stacked with clothes in them and also a clear plastic tub or two. And then of course... where are all her shoes going to go. Brian thought it awful funny to see all the clothes and shoes and wondered why she has more shoes and clothes than the two of us combined. I told him babies just get them. I am not sure yet which room in my house (only two) that I will make into the nursery. I had thought about turning the master bedroom in to the nursery and daycare room.. but then of course I want to paint it. I am not sure how good that will look if I ever want to rent or sell the house without me repainting it. If I use the other room, well then I don't think it is big enough to hold all of Abigail's things and the daycare things... Choices, choices and more choices... guess I better hurry and decide, as I have 5 week and 3 days counting today or less... that is if our darling decides to come early... I am so wanting to start on things as my "nesting" instinct is kicking in... Last week... I washed windows... something that has never bothered me before. Oh the work load a little one can put on her mama!!!!

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